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Make Up Your Mind Day

Another year is almost over. Time to evaluate the past year and plan some changes for the next. But it can be hard to get excited over a VAGUE goal -- like "getting organized". This is a nebulous and rather punitive sounding term -- like you've been a screw-up all along! Let's focus instead on the POSITIVE. If you were to get organized, how would your life be better? You would be less stressed and have more time for yourself. Those items are actually your GOALS -- getting organized is just the vehicle to get you there. Once you have a clear objective that excites you, it is easier to get motivated and commit yourself to the work ahead.

Some Practical Organizing Tips...

Start with a list of actions you can take to reach your goal -- make them SPECIFIC, tangible, and measurable. It really doesn't matter how small the action is. Just make sure that every "to-do" on your list brings you a step closer to your goal.
Spend some time EVERY day working toward your goal, even if it's only for 15 minutes. It is like climbing a staircase -- you have to do it one step at a time. But don't be too hard on yourself if you backslide -- just pick back up where you left off.
Don't try to make too many changes at once. If you try to lose weight and get organized and find a new job all at the same time, you will get OVERLOADED -- and probably won't accomplish any of your goals. Focus your efforts for success!

Do-It-Yourself Solutions...

Get Organized Newsletter
Check out past issues for tips on accomplishing your goals and to-do's

Organizers Toolbox
Checklists and tip sheets to help you make better decisions

What Is Your Time Worth?
Find out how much of your time is being wasted by indecisiveness

Do You Need To Get Organized At Home?
Take this quick quiz to help you decide what life decisions to make

Do You Need To Get Organized At Work?
Take this quick quiz to help you decide what action to takeat work

What Are You Doing To Get Organized?
Share your goal-setting strategies and techniques with others like you

The Latest Organizing Products
"Do-it-yourself" tools to help you focus on your priorities (and more)

Useful Website Links...

10 Action Steps
Follow these ten steps to motivate yourself to great accomplishments

20 Ways To Motivate Yourself
Practical tips for giving yourself a kick start toward reaching your goals

Goal Setting Guide
Site devoted entirely to helping you set and reach your goals

Handling Fear Of Success
The smart path to conquer your fear of success and motivate yourself to change

How To Motivate Yourself To Reach Your Goals
Straightforward tips for identifying and describing your goals for maximum benefit

Interactive Quick Goal Plan
Kick start your success with a free interactive goal planner and motivational tips

Make Up Your Mind
Guidelines for improving your decision-making skills and taking action

Make Up Your Mind Day E-Cards
Share the inspiration to make up your mind, get motivated and achieve success

Motivation 123
Offers a free idea kit, newsletter, and tips to keep you on track toward your goals

Motivation And Goal Setting
Identify what drives you to take action towards your goals

Motivational Magic
Offers inspirational e-cards, motivational ebooks, and an interactive chatroom with a motivational coach.

Offers free online "Goal-Setting Wizard" software

Self Growth.Com
A directory of links to goal-setting websites and articles on the net

Top Achievement
A massive collection of goal-setting and self-improvement resources

When The Going Gets Tough
Goal strategies to help you stay on track and perform against the odds

Writing SMART Goals
Use the SMART technique for defining goals you'll be motivated to achieve

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