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WHO OUR MAIN CUSTOMERS ARE: Pretty much anyone who needs to get organized! We sell to individuals, families, businesses, schools, and even government agencies. The types of PRODUCTS each might buy are different -- but all have the potential to earn you big COMMISSIONS. For example, a large company is more likely to buy several metal filing cabinets or enough binders and desk organizers for an entire department -- while a family that is organizing the whole house might purchase several thousand dollars worth of closet systems. And many of our customers order dozens of small items (books, tapes, racks, software, and miscellaneous home/office organizers) at once, creating an order worth a couple hundred dollars. SELLING TO PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZERS: Not only are Professional Organizers great customers for our organizing products (for both themselves and their clients), but we also sell a number of products that are geared more toward helping Organizers succeed in BUSINESS. If you are part of the organizing community, you can let organizers know about the many start-up manuals, marketing guides, mentoring programs, and promotional products we offer. You might include a link on your site encouraging organizers to join our REFERRAL network (at http://www.onlineorganizing.com/FormJoinOrganizerReferralService.asp) -- you earn a commission on their registration fees. You can also link to our OnlineOrganizing Academy TRAINING PROGRAM (at http://www.onlineorganizing.com/BecomeAnOrganizer.asp?content=C11EnrollInTraining) for new organizers -- a full training lesson sells for $499, so that's a nice high-commission item. HELPING US FIND ADVERTISERS: We offer a number of ways for business to ADVERTISE with www.OnlineOrganizing.com (at http://www.onlineorganizing.com/Advertise.asp?content=C09SponsorOptions) -- and these purchases can also earn you a commission. Just send any potential advertisers to our site through your affiliate link, and when they check out, your account will be credited for the commission. OTHER SECTIONS TO LINK TO: As a recognized leader in the industry, we've also developed a strong organizing COMMUNITY that loyal visitors return to for help -- with discussion boards, blogs, live advice, newsletters, and free tips. If you're looking for a way to provide additional VALUE to your visitors, you can link to these different sections as well. And don't worry, each of these content pages offers suggestions of organizing products that relate to that topic -- so you still have plenty of chances for a sale! INCLUDING OUR CONTENT ON YOUR SITE: The key to a successful website is CONTENT -- that's what increases your search engine rankings and keep visitors coming back for more! We can provide you with dozens of ARTICLES (with your affiliate link embedded in them) that you can post directly on your own site to improve your content. We have articles on organizing your space, time, paper, and mental attitude -- as well as articles on being a better small business person. PUTTING UP LINKS THAT WILL DRAW TRAFFIC: You have to give people a REASON to click through a link -- so just putting up a banner or graphic link without any description generally isn't as effective as including some text with it. So even if you do use our graphic links, be sure to include a DESCRIPTION -- a couple of sentences explaining why people should follow that link and what's waiting for them on the other end. If you need help with this wording, let us know and we'll be glad to send you something appropriate. And if you have any questions about merging our links into your web design or layout, give us a shout and we'll be happy to help. THE KEY TO HIGH AFFILIATE COMMISSIONS: You can't just put one banner up on your site and expect to earn thousands of dollars a month in commissions. You can earn a nice passive income from your www.OnlineOrganizing.com links, but you need to do a few things:
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