Blog: Organizing for Boomers
February is Date Month. Make a Date with your Trash Man
How's your dating life going?
February sure puts the emphasis on "love in bloom", "finding the perfect mate", and "living happily ever after".
It's enough to make one get sick, just as we're downing another dark chocolate trifle, filled with calorie-laden crème, while all the love-struck songs sing incessantly in the background of our brains.
Whether you've been married to the same fella for so long you can't remember ever being single, or you immerse yourself in romance novels wondering where these knights are hiding out in the 21st century, or you're content living your life in charge of yourself, singing "I am Woman-I am Strong", I maintain there is one date you want to be sure and keep each week.
I'm talking about Trash Night.
No, this isn't the night you get together with girlfriends and trash about all the things your husband does wrong, or the last three awful guys you dated, or the perfect Internet chat guy who turned out to be anything but.
Trash Night.
The night before Trash Man cometh.
This is almost as fun as The Night Before Chistmas.
Except with Christmas we have to wait another 365 days before it comes again.
With Trash Night once it's over we can start planning for next week's.
My relationship with the trash man has evolved over time. There are years in my life that I buzzed through so quickly I could not name which night of the week was Trash Night, even if some TV person said answer this correctly and all the money in all the suitcases on the stage are yours.
I couldn't do it. Someone else would be declared the winner, not I.
But not anymore. I'm ready now. Every Sunday night I gear up. Well, to be honest, Sunday afternoon I start to warm up. I start to become a detective walking through the house like a sleuth on a secret mission.
I start with the recyclables. I gather with gusto. I pack with punch. I run with relish to the trash and smoosh and smash and stomp with delight. How many gifts can I give him this week?
Each week I feel a big weight lift off my shoulders as I release items to the universe that I know will be reused: paper, cans, plastic, glass. I am giddy with glee.
At this same time I often have a bag for donations going and I try and fill it as well. In here goes mostly clothing or shoes that has served me well or I wore for awhile, until one day my twin sister said, "What WERE you thinking when you bought that?"
She speaks to me often and I try and talk back, but she has a way of disappearing, just as I'm finding my retort.
You see, I have no sisters.
Back to Date Night with Trash Man.
Here's why he's the perfect date:
1. He's reliable. I even know way ahead of time if he needs to change the date because of a specific holiday.
2. I can unload on him without the feeling that he's going to reach the boiling point and blow up on me.
3. He arrives on time.
4. I can imagine all sorts of conversations with him where he's thanking me for the many gifts I am bestowing his way.
5. He expects nothing in return.
6. He's the strong, silent type.
I can't imagine how difficult his job must be and I am so grateful and thankful for his services.
Each Sunday night as I step back into my house I step a little lighter and take a deep breath. At the same time I give pause to all the STUFF there is. Whether we are able to recycle it all or not, isn't necessarily the point.
I pause and ponder.
How can we leave a lighter footprint for future generations?
What will become of all the stuff of life?
Can we all live with just a little less?
Until next time-
Making Your Space a Special Place…
the R.E.D. team-Reinventing Everyday Designs
posted on: 2/1/2008 12:30:00 PM by Sue Crum
category: Special Populations
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