Blog: Transforming Your Home
Product - label makers
When we work with our customers we teach them organizational skills and techniques that they lack. Bringing systems and organizational products into the mix helps them see what they've been missing; it also gives them hope that they can maintain their home long after they're done working with us.
One product our customers love seeing is a label maker. It's amazing how few people are aware of this nifty gadget. Talk to anyone who is known for being organized and you'll be talking to someone who already owns a label maker.
After you've sorted and purged your "stuff" you'll want to put your things away in a pretty, nicely organized fashion, right? Labeling is a necessity at this point. You'll discover that you can label containers, shelves, cupboards, drawers, cabinets, and even coat hooks! Just don't label your family members!
My favorite label maker is the Brother P-Touch. There are a variety of models to choose from, depending upon whether or not you want a hand-held, desk-top model or one that is compatible with your computer. You can purchase a label maker at your local office products store or online. I suggest you look at them in person so you can get a feel for the size and capabilities of each model. Most stores will have models set up to test-drive before purchasing.
A label states "this is what goes right here" –when you're tempted to place something else in that area the label glares at you telling you you're greatly mistaken! Labels will help you retrain your brain to putting things away in a more orderly fashion and to put an end to habits that created clutter.
Happy Labeling!
Audrey Thomas
A.k.a. Organized Audrey
posted on: 4/1/2008 10:00:00 AM by Audrey Thomas
category: Homes
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Transforming Your Home
by Audrey Thomas
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About Audrey:
Audrey Thomas is passionate about working from home and doing it in a way that benefits her family as well as her business. As a nationally recognized speaker she is the author of 50 Ways to Leave Your Clutter, The Road Called Chaos and What's for Dinner? While she's not afraid of the dark or spiders, she hates critters who move fast.
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