Blog: Life Management
Last week I introduced the S.O.S. system of home maintenance streamline, organize, systematize. Once you've streamlined your possessions (see last weeks blog), it's time to organize them in a way that is both functional and attractive.
The first step is to evaluate your storage areas. Define each storage area according to what will be stored there. Then keep only those items in that place.
Here are some guidelines for choosing storage are:
* Choose your most accessible space for things you use most often especially in the
kitchen. The shelves and drawers between eye level and waist level are prime
storage spots. Keep frequently used items here.
* Store items as close as possible to the place where they will be used. Keep glasses
close to the refrigerator or sink. Store cooking utensils and ingredients in the
cupboards directly over the preparation area.
* When putting smaller items away, use dividers in drawers to keep them from getting
* Use containers to store small groups of items, like barrettes, jewelry, and pencils. Be
sure to label them so you can find things later.
* Keep similar items together.
* Store lunch-making items, such as bags, utensils, drinks, and treats in the same
* Group similar canned goods together in the cupboard.
* Designate specific places for items that the family needs or uses daily.
* Always put your keys, mail and papers in the designated place. This will save
valuable time when you need to find them.
* When you put items away, don't be in a hurry. Take time to put them where they
You'll save time in the long run, not only will you be able to find things when you need them, but your storage areas will stay tidy year round eliminating "spring or fall cleaning!
posted on: 8/26/2008 12:00:00 PM by Judy Warmington
category: The Mental Side
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