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Blog: Paper And Information Management
What is on your desk? Does it help or hinder?

7641273There are different articles in the news every day that cover the topics of organization and productivity.  Some are good and some are not so good...  However, today I read an article that shared a tip I had never heard of before!

Want To Get Promoted? Easy Time Management Tips To The Rescue! 

This author, Michael Adams, covers three tips to increase your chances of a promotion -- all organization and productivity related.  My favorite tip, and one that I had not heard of before -- evaluate what is on your desk!  The author goes on to suggest that you should pick 5 items that are on your desk and take a long honest look at each item.  Does it promote your productivity, or does it distract you from it? 

So, in that spirit, let me share some examples:

Swiftfile_2 If you have any kind of action system on your desk it would aid in your productivity.  Rather than having piles on your desk you have a great desk system that aids in your productivity.

do clocks make you productive?So what do you think of this one?  Is it productive to have a clock on your desk?  Sometimes yes, sometimes no!  It all depends on how you treat the clock.  Years ago, I learned that I was a clock watcher.  It did not matter if I was engaged in the thing I was doing or if I was bored out of my mind.  No matter what, I continued to look at the clock.  So, for me, a watch on my wrist or a clock on my desk is not a good idea. 

The other side to that is if you loose track of time, a clock on your desk can be a really good thing.


How about the great digital photo frames?  I have one.  My husband gave it to me and I love it.  I have found that I cannot have it in my line of site if I have the images rotating though.  Every time the image changes I momentarily get distracted. 

What do you have on your desk?

Do the things on your desk enhance your productivity or diminish it?  What is on your desk?

To your success!

posted on: 9/6/2008 10:30:00 AM by Stephanie Calahan
category: Paper

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by Karissa Porter on 12/4/2009 11:25:01 PM:

I found the information on the Swiftfile to be helpfull and gave me some ideas on how to create a filing system that will be perfect for my clients. Thank you!

by Stephanie LH Calahan (@StephCalahan) on 12/5/2009 8:24:43 AM:

Karissa -- Fabulous! I'm glad that you were able to get ideas from my post. To your success! Stephanie

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Paper And Information Management

by Stephanie Calahan

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About Stephanie:

Stephanie L. H. Calahan is a Productivity and Organization Consultant, Coach, Speaker, Author. She is also the founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. – Productive & Organized, We'll Help You Find Your Way a premier productivity consulting firm, serving a national and local clients in corporate settings, home-based businesses, and residential environments. Her organizing expertise, Computer Science and HR backgrounds give her a unique perspective on what works at work.

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  • Paper Tiger Productivity Institute
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  • The Definitive Guide to Writing & Promoting White Papers
    If you sell any kind of complex service, technology or sophisticated product, a White Paper is the best way to educate your customers about that technology. You can use a white paper to build your credibility, get free exposure in the press, attract new customers, and drive new technology into change-resistant, conservative markets. Most white papers are either too technical (boring) or too commercial (thin and cheesy) - but Perry Marshall has written a guide that shows you how to strike the perfect balance. But what's most important of all, though, is promoting and publicizing your white paper - because the best white paper in the world is no good unless somebody reads it!
  • Guerilla Marketing
    Most sales people spend all day dialing for dollars, chasing prospects who are mentally if not physically backing away from them, and they waste most of their time chasing deals instead of closing them. At the same time, most companies spend all kinds of money on advertising and don't get nearly enough bang for their buck. Perry Marshall's "Guerilla Marketing for Hi-Tech Sales People" is an information-packed audio CD that discusses 21 principles that you can use to eliminate cold prospecting and wasted advertising dollars in today's fiercely competitive B2B marketplace.

My Favorite Organizing Tools

  • EasyReach Find & Workspace - ask for a 30 day free trial
    EasyReach Find & Workspace are the ultimate in digital organization. Spend less time looking for information and more time working with it.
  • Paper Tiger Software
    The Paper Tiger software is a powerful filing system that uses the power of your computer to help you get organized and stay organized. Find anything in 5 seconds! We use it both at home and at work.
  • NeatReceipts Scanalizer
    I LOVE this paper organizer! Get control over your loose receipts, business cards, personal taxes, home office taxes, expense reports, business documents and personal documents. It is amazing how it can read off of the papers it scans.
  • SwiftFile
    Get control of your desk with the SwiftFile Desktop filling system. They can be ordered with or without the matching file box. This is the Best Action Filing System I have seen.
  • Send Out Cards - Try their free guest account
    This is one of the best tools I have ever used for contacts, reminders and physical cards too! Go to the site and check out their free guest account. Better to see it for yourself than for me to try to tell you.

My Favorite Websites for the Home

  • Mrs. A's Coupon Organizer
    Mrs. A's has done it again. They developed a great coupon organizer that allows you to find things quickly and actually USE the coupons you cut out.
  • Box4Blox
    Introducing BOX4BLOX ™... the Simple Toy Storage Organizer for LEGO ® That Gets Rid of That "Lego Disaster Zone" From the Floor ONCE AND FOR ALL!
  • Send Out Cards - try their free guest account!
    This system lets you type a message then they print it in your handwriting, stuff it, stamp it and mail it when you tell them to. All for LESS than what you would pay to buy a card at a store.
  • www.OnlineOrganizing.com!

My Favorite Goal Setting Tools

  • My Goal Manager
    MyGoalManager.com's Online System takes Goal Setting to whole new level! If you like online tools, this one is fantastic.
  • My Motivator
    My Motivator is a great online service that helps you identify your goals and then stay on track with those goals with audio to learn from and reminders that are sent to you.

My Favorite Books on Paper & Information

  • Taming the Paper Tiger at Home
    Strange as it may sound, having the right information at the right time can help you save money or have a good time. Barbara Hemphill tells you how to tame the "paper tiger" with quick, practical solutions to managing every piece of paper that comes into your house. She'll show you how to decide what to keep, what to toss, where to keep it—and most important—how to find it exactly when you need it, so you make room for your life!
  • Taming the Paper Tiger at Work
    Despite the promise of the paperless office, most of us are mired in the stuff—and deluged with electronic information as well. The use of computers, e-mail, the Internet, and faxes probably forces you to contend with more paper than ever. But setting up and efficient system to organize all the information is easier than you might think. Barbara Hemphill will show you how.

My Favorite Books on Time & Productivity Management

  • 30 Hours A Day - Ultimate Time Management Program
    How Much More Money Would You Make With An Extra 6 Extra Hours Of Productivity Every Day? Drop-dead Simple Tutoring Of Rapid Results Coach Dave Navarro Makes It Easier Than You Ever Thought It Could Be.
  • Outsource And Delegate
    How To Work Less And Make A Lot More Money!
  • Successful Time Management
    Successful Time Management. An Easy-to-read, Ebook That Will Have You Getting More Done, In Less Time, Than Ever Before. It Just Takes A Few Minutes Each Day To Put These Time Management Systems In To Place.

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