Blog: Creative and Crafty Organizing
My mother's smoked dishes...
About five years ago, my sister came out to visit me. As I was giving her the grand tour of the house, she paused at my china cabinet. She looked quizzically at the cabinet and said, "did mom give you those?"
Pointing at the bottom two shelves of the cabinet, she was looking at a set of dishes and glasses. It was an eighteen piece setting (yes, I said eighteen) of desert dishes, water goblets, wine glasses and brandy snifters (who the heck uses snifters anyway?). In total it was seventy-two pieces of smoked glass.
I looked a little puzzled at the questions as I knew she knew where they came from and I said, "yes," and she quickly replied, "you don't even like wine, why do you have those."
Within this two minute conversation started a snowball of questions rolling around in my head.
Why do we end up keeping things just because someone gave it to us?
Do we feel obligated?
Do we feel required? Mostly, I think we just feel guilty.
The problem with these types of items is that it takes up so much space in our life to manage it, maintain it, all while we keep thinking... "I don't even like this." We somehow forget that our love and relationship is not with the stuff, it's with the person. Don't let the stuff take place of the person. When we allow ourselves to get rid of the things that we don't like, only then can we open the door and allow the things that we truly love to come in.
posted on: 5/1/2009 2:00:00 PM by Megan M Spears
category: Memorabilia
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Creative and Crafty Organizing
by Megan M Spears
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About Megan:
Megan Spears is a Professional Organizer in the Pacific Northwest and the owner of Disorder2Order. She helps busy people improve their life management skills through good organization in the home. "It's not about how much stuff you have, it's where it all belongs!"
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Blogs I Read...
- The Home Office Organizer
- I'm an Organizing Junkie
- The Possibilities are Endless...
- {a} Ali Edwards
- Creative Organizing
- Craft Critique
- Real Women Scrap
Places to find Megan
My Other Blog