Are you suffering from burn out? Do you find yourself over committed? Are day to day tasks too overwhelming for you?
Take time to stop and evaluate how you got into this predicament, then let's see what you can do about it. If you're frustrated that your house is in a mess, but you don't have the time and energy to clean it, you're close to burn out! It's important that you take some time to be alone and quiet. Then, take a close look at yourself and your feelings.
Why is your house and life out of control? Why did you commit yourself to so many things? Be honest. Did you agree to a new volunteer job because it would take you out of the house and you wouldn't have to look at the mess any more? Do you think that you're omnipotent-you can and must do it all? Does guilt drive you to do something you think you should, even if you're not qualified or interested in the task? You're headed straight for burn out!
Author Sandra Felton suggests that you take some quiet time to answer these questions honestly. Your self-esteem depends on it. Be brave enough to say not to outside activities you don't really want to do. Be honest enough to stay at home and face the mess. Is there any important activity that you've stopped doing because it has become too overwhelming?
If you're buried in the burnout stage, you may need to get outside help to get over the hump. Think about who could help you-a friend or relative? Could you hire someone to help, just until you get dug out from the rubble?
Ms. Felton writes: "When our lives begin to right themselves from the topsy turvy mess they are now, we will be calmer and happier. We will have confidence that our lives are under control. The best thing is that we will then have quality time for ourselves-to read, to think, to plan, to dream.
If the year 2009 was just too busy you may need to take time to make time to snuff out burn out!
Judy Warmington, Woman Time Management (owner) -- Busy wife, mother of three adult/married children, grandmother of 10 (5 boys and 5 girls!), former high school teacher (M.A. from W.M.U.), Speaker, Author, Radio Personality, and Trainer of Professional Organizers.
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