Peg Bracken of Pack Rats Anonymous shares this motto: "Every day I'll throw something away, and soon I'll feel better and better."
How about you? Are you a pack rat? Do you save everything, including matchbooks for your sister's neighbor's son? Would you really miss all those items that you're saving just in case you need it "some day"? It's time to throw some things away!
As with all big projects, do it one piece at a time. Begin at the front door, starting with the first drawer, cupboard, or shelf you see. Take with you three boxes: a Give-Away box, a Throw-Away box, and a Storage box. Throw away all pieces of junk that have accumulated in that spot. Junk includes pens that only work half the time, out-dated calendars, clothing that has missing buttons or broken zippers.
If you find something that is too good to throw out, but you haven't used it in over a year, put them in the give-away box. Give them away soon-to a friend or a mission. You may save it for a garage sale only if you have the date set. If it's left after the garage sale, give it away the next day!
The storage box is for items you want to keep, but they are in the wrong place for now: spring jackets, the Christmas wreath, the broom, etc. Don't put them away until you reach the place where it really belongs. It doesn't matter if it takes you three weeks or more to go through the entire house, just keep moving systematically until you are finished with each room, each drawer, and each closet.
Take one day off a week so you don't become overwhelmed, but clean at least one space and throw at least one thing away all the other days. Save the kitchen for last. It will be the biggest job. When you've reached the end, reward yourself. And now that you're in the habit, take time to throw away at least one thing every day so your tidy spaces don't begin to clutter up again!
yup yup, got hooks for the bikes. think i might get one more set of shelves too just to have ample sgoarte. there's another set of empty shelves hidden behind my wooden scooter ramp in the photo. just haven't organized the clutter. scooter will be parked in here as well to fulfill the requirement that the garage be used for parking and will just be nice to keep it well covered.
Judy Warmington, Woman Time Management (owner) -- Busy wife, mother of three adult/married children, grandmother of 10 (5 boys and 5 girls!), former high school teacher (M.A. from W.M.U.), Speaker, Author, Radio Personality, and Trainer of Professional Organizers.
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