Blog: Ignite Your Energy and Grow Your Life!
7 Signs You're Playing Too Small. . .
Whether it's business or personal – if you're playing too small – and doing things the same way and getting the same results. . . you ultimately don't get what you want. What's holding you back?
Here are 7 signs that you may be playing too small in midlife:
- You've chosen to settle for a life without passionate love.
- You're not happy in your profession or your business.
- You haven't taken a real 7+ day vacation in over 3 years.
- You can't sleep or all you want to do is sleep.
- Everybody but you dictates your schedule and your time. There's never any ME time.
- Your energy, body, mind, and your environment are cluttered and overweight.
- You're thinking you just have to accept where you are and the people in your life reinforce those negative beliefs and are holding you back from your best life.
It's the difference between the rhinestone and the diamond. They both sparkle on the outside but one will crack under the least bit of pressure while the other is not only beautiful but strong. What's stopping you from taking control of your happiness and manifest the type of "mid-lifestyle" you really want?
Would you like to manifest more of things like. . .
love, support
passion, pleasure
happiness, joy
energy, radiant good health
a healthy weight and sexy confidence that you define
purpose, spirituality
encouragement and inspiration
Maybe it takes 40 or 50 years to grow into an amazing woman. But you know what? You're now in the most incredible time of your life. You are not only CREDIBLE – you're INCREDIBLE. Your second act is a powerful one – here's why:
You can become a doctor or lawyer and still have time left to practice.
You can fall in love like a teenager without having to grow up.
You've lived long enough to know what you like and what you don't.
You can say what you want and others will respect your opinion.
You can still have fun doing things you like doing.
You can try new things without being self conscious of what others think.
At 40 and beyond, you now have the wisdom, the experiences, the strength, the confidence to be who YOU want to be!
It's time you design your life around YOU. What are you waiting for?
Here are my 4 Keys to a Living a Sassy, Seasoned MidLife with Passion:
- Rekindle your love relationships and identify what's TRULY important to you. Make a decision to eliminate what isn't in line with your real goals of what you want in life.
- Stop letting your business run you and learn how to transform your business and your personal life into one that puts YOU as the focal point and feeds your passion and purpose.
- Create a simple healthy lifestyle that combines clean eating, exercise, relaxation and a supportive environment that energizes and fuels you.
- Find friends, peers and mentors who inspire, motivate and support you no matter what.
You can totally transform your life if you make the decision not to settle anymore. If not you – who? And if not now – when? It's easier than you think, but you have to take action! Midlife IS your best life, but only if you decide it will be.
Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. If you want some guidance on how to jumpstart making you the FOCAL POINT and transforming your body, mind and spirit into the diamond you know you are, then I suggest you hire a coach, mentor or enter into a program where you'll get some one-on-one coaching. It simply helps you focus faster, stay motivated and keep your eyes firmly on the prize – YOU.
posted on: 1/20/2010 1:07:02 PM by Robin Stephens
category: Time Management
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Ignite Your Energy and Grow Your Life!
by Robin Stephens
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Hello, I'm Robin Stephens -
your "M"power coach! The "M" stands for Mind -
because that's where all change begins!
I'm a professional organizer, certified
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