Blog: Ignite Your Energy and Grow Your Life!
7 Ways to Ignite Your Energy!
Did you know it's what you SUBTRACT from your business and your life that gives you the energy and motivation to succeed and grow - not what you ADD? When you eliminate what's cluttering your body, mind, and space you immediately engage your motivation and tap into energy reserves you didn't know you had. Not to mention improve the quality of your life overall.
For example, one of my women entrepreneur clients has an office overflowing with techno gadgets and "backup" computers. She has 2 laptops, a desktop, 2 printers, Kindles, an IPhone, Blackberry, and lots of other stuff. She spends more time orchestrating the transfer of data among all these devices than she does marketing her business! That's a bit of an exaggeration but you get the idea. When we pared down her electronics to the ones she actually used on a regular basis and dealt with her fears about losing data, she immediately felt a major stress weight lift - releasing - you guessed it - more energy.
Motivation is the spark that ignites energy and energy is critical for powerful women to move ahead in their business or profession and have a joyful, abundant personal life. More money, time and freedom won't do you a bit of good if you don't have the energy and motivation to do something with them!
When you tap into simple strategies for encouraging yourself, you not only grow your own life but you inspire others because your attitude is contagious!
There are many factors that affect energy - among them your health, your beliefs and attitudes and the people you associate with. Start with 1 or 2 of the techniques below and practice it daily. Baby steps yield big results!
1. Observe the 80-20 rule. Use the first 20% of your day (approx. 96 minutes) to tackle your most important tasks. Then even if you get distracted or time wasters creep in, you will have made some progress and reduce your stress.
2. Reserve the tough stuff for prime time: Schedule thinking tasks (reading, calculating, problem-solving) for 8 a.m. to noon, when your mind is sharpest. Night owls should adjust everything to three or four hours later. The day of the week also makes a difference.
3. Don't play catch up. Set aside time to organize. Choose half a day once every week or two to take care of back-office things: clearing out your inbox, filing, or paying bills.
4. Apply Total Recall. Most of us don't take the time to appreciate what we've done, or how far we've come. We have this picture of what we want but there's a discontent between where we are and where we need to go. Looking back does push you to move forward. Instead of being frustrated by how far you have to go, think about times you were successful. Apply that sense of confidence and accomplishment to reaching your next goal.
5. Focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking doesn't work. Take time to do a task right the first round and save the doing 2 things at once for no brainer activities like making an appointment while folding the laundry.
6. It's ok to freak out. Everybody assumes that if we do everything right, everything will run smoothly. Wrong. Logging 15 hour days to get everything done will just get you frustrated and stressed. Instead, think about doing your job properly, not perfectly. The next time you freak out, stop what you're doing. Sit up straight and try to calm your mind for 5 minutes. Let those first few crazy thoughts run their course, but don't give in to them. Let go and find a sense of relief.
7. Set your agenda. We think everything is urgent, and it's really not. There are lots of reasons for it. It may be perfectionism or we're worried about getting overwhelmed and other times we just don't prioritize. Determine what you must get done, set priorities, and set up time blocks. Make a conscious effort to cut back so your energy doesn't get scattered. Turn off your cell phone, stop checking e-mail, and shut your door. Start by blocking out an hour each day. Once you reap the productive benefits of that first productive 60 minutes, set up time blocks throughout your day as needed.
posted on: 4/21/2010 1:54:04 PM by Robin Stephens
category: Time Management
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Ignite Your Energy and Grow Your Life!
by Robin Stephens
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