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Blog: It's good to be back!
Maximizing Your Efficiency

n.1. competence: the ability to do something well or achieve a desired result without wasted energy or effort

I pursue this definition! I always try and locate where my inefficiency comes from. I mostly know, i.e. Facebook and Twitter, but if I can pinpoint it and do something to change it,  I do! That's why I move furniture...all the time! Trying to find the best configuration possible. Tighter, balanced, but most of all maximizing my efficiency!
Recently, my husband and I, who both work out of a home office, relocated our desks back to back so we could better share office space. By doing this we also spend more time talking to each other and are more involved in what it takes for us to move through our work days. I know how much grief he gets on the phone when something isn' delivered or how much I go through when a contractor doesn't show up. I don't dismiss his day out on the road as "free time" anymore. He also now knows how many interruptions I handle during a solid day and how much running I do. By going out and coming back to this central place we discuss so much more of what is going on than before. Who would have thought by simply relocating our desks our communication would improve?
Our boys, 7 and 4, are also going through a transition. As the youngest turns 5 and begins kindergarten in the fall we decided to split up their bedrooms giving them each their own space. We have since purged toys that neither of them claimed and they are able to handle what is in their rooms for clean up. It is quickly coming together. They each feel a sense of responsibility over their belongings and tend to put them up naturally. When they were together each one would fight and say it was the other's mess. So, fighting as slowed down in our household.
It seems that we get ready a little easier in the mornings, kids are starting to get themselves ready all by themselves, in their own rooms. But most importantly, we feel like we are living in the whole house. We no longer have wasted space or dead areas of nothing where clutter tends to stick. As we go through our day each area of the house is getting some attention.
What we all have noticed is how much more together we all are. We are starting to find the time now to go into the second layer of organizing our new home because the first layer of defining spaces is over. Last night, we sat down and reorganized the DVD's, it has been 2 yrs since we were running that smooth. We have moved and rearranged pieces as they have come in to make our day run efficiently. Making it possible to find something with the least amount of time.
Take a look at your environment. Is there a piece of furniture in the way? Do you wish you could open up the windows and let the sun shine in as you paint in a corner? Do you feel like your children are stacked on top of each other? Spread out, prepare to lose some furniture that isn't functioning the way you had originally wanted or just doesn't work at all. Move into your corners and try living in the whole house and see what changes for your family!

posted on: 4/29/2010 2:00:00 PM by Melissa Searcy
category: Family

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It's good to be back!

by Melissa Searcy

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About Melissa:

Melissa Searcy is a professional organizer and independent decorator now living in Jasper, AL. Formerly of Montgomery, Melissa owns Lulagrace Interiors where she was a regularly featured guest on morning television and had articles featured in the local newspaper and many local monthly publications. For more information you may visit her at www.lulagrace.com. Melissa is also a member of the Facebook community at Facebook.com/melissa.searcy or on Twitter at Twitter.com/LulagracePO.

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