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Blog: It's good to be back!
Allowing others to do for you

As many of you know I had a small procedure this week and my mother was in town to help out with the kids while I recovered. But, last week I booked a  4 day project in Montgomery. My client was recovering from an injury and had to work from home for 6 weeks. While she was home she had decided to take advantage of the opportunity and de-cluttered her whole home. I was able to take a box to her, have her sort it and make decisions instead of my usual homework assignments.

Having the ability to do this without having to go back to her normal routine was great because she was able to move at her own pace. In the end, this client was my biggest donator on record!

I got to thinking how great it would be for her when she was released from the doctor and able to return to her normal schedule, she would be off and running. Having purged from the last 7-10 years allowed her to focus on her recovery and not the things surrounding her.  While she still answered calls and managed her life during our time together I believe it was also therapeutic to have something to occupy her time as well.

On my first day home from surgery I slept literally all day! The second day I could hear my kids in the background beginning to take advantage of my mother. They were bored!

I tried to come up with things to do while I was in bed that would be great time savers for me once I recovered.  Like that cabinet of Tupperware that was completely missing its matches…mom and the kids sorted and tossed what needed to go and voila, task done!

Having my mother here while I got back on my feet was nice but the hardest thing for me was to let her have free reign to clean and organize how she chose. I let her and the kids dust and clean all the little crystal pieces I never get to, everything shines for the moment! I decided just to let her have it!

Sometimes it is tough to ask for help, but it can be a wonderful surprise when we let others lend a hand.  I have to say my husband also aided in my peaceful recovery by offering to paint our bedroom this wonderful shade of purple while I was out of town working. This too was something of a challenge to me to allow him to possibly make a huge mess while I was not here but very rewarding. Being alright with others doing for me and letting them without interruption was new to me but I realized while actually sitting down to watch a movie with my kids yesterday that if I let go a bit and didn't insist on doing it all myself, I enjoyed my time more.