Blog: It's good to be back!
Have You Cut Your Eyelashes Too Short?
As some of you know I have been a certified therapeutic riding instructor for the last few years and am proud to be a part of a wonderful program. This past weekend I attended a conference for our region. One course I attended was titled "putting your best hoof forward" and was about preparing your horse for show. During that class our expert explained that some people actually trim their horses eyelashes back…which is bad, because their eyelashes allow them to be aware of approaching danger. They are "feelers" and allow the horse to prepare for fight or flight. It resonated with me for some reason I think mostly because lately I've been a poor judge of character. People I never would have thought would act so ugly have shown me their less than desirable side. Every day I turn on the television to see someone else has gone off the deep end. It almost makes one fearful to be giving and charitable as Jesus would have us to do. But I don't want to be mistrustful of people as a whole… I have, however, realized I didn't listen to my intuition. How often do you listen to your intuition?
I think a lot of times for me personally and I know others do to…we see a need, we fill a need! We generally as a culture want to help others, we don't like to see suffering in the world. But what about when you know you've gotten into a bad deal…do you wish you had listened to the voice inside saying …hmmmm…something's not quite right here.
I think most of the time I marvel in the complexities of our current society, but lately I've been
thinking…have we all gone a little mad?? I am an avid Twitter/ Facebook/ Huffington Post/Wall Street Journal/Fox News/You Tube/Talk Soup and Best Week Ever kinda girl so I get a little spoonful of what all is going on during the week . I LOVE me some Real Housewives and Reality TV but I wonder has it helped us or hurt us? In today's world you never know what you are going to run into throughout your day. Think about the passengers on the Jet Blue flight this week…what do you think was going through their heads as Steven Slater got some choice words off his chest and slid down the emergency shoot?
I've seen quite a few posts lately from various organizer discussion boards about clients getting more and more difficult. Many even suffering from depression and extreme behavior that hurts themselves.
Now we have shows like Hoarders and even Animal Hoarders making everyone in America afraid to be "those people". According to the news, people seem to have gone crazy these days! Why are we a mess and why can't we get it together, what is our problem? I think it is because we don't listen to our gut anymore. Better yet, why are we having a hard time distinguishing right from wrong?
I think it is because we live in an instant gratification society! Even Rooms 2 Go promises one day delivery now. Talk about mass production! We can't even wait to get our sofa a few days?? Really? Is there EVER such an emergency where we need an entertainment center TODAY? We are obsessed with stuff and having the latest gadgets first before everyone else. We "Facebrag" to get instant kudos for our achievements and need reinforcement from others that we are worthy…or our "status" is Liked.
It is kinda sad really if you think about it…all these broken people in other countries suffering from floods, poverty, disease…and we measure our self worth in whether or not we have the new Ipad or not. How does all this "I gotta have it now" mentality affect our children? When they can't order chicken nuggets at 6am from McDonalds will THEY bust through the drive thru window as one woman recently did? Will they pull the emergency shoot and quit a 28 yr career because they couldn't control themselves?
As for me? I have my eyelashes at full length now and will still serve those who truly need my services but I will forever be on the lookout for the hot mess waiting to ruin my day when they don't get what they want instantly! My husband has always been fearful of my going on consultations and now I kind of see why. So to sum it all up my word of advice is to put your feelers on, don't pitch a fit when you don't get something RIGHT NOW and be kind to others. You never know, your next fit could be the viral video of the day.
posted on: 8/12/2010 2:00:00 PM by Melissa Searcy
category: Family
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It's good to be back!
by Melissa Searcy
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About Melissa:
Melissa Searcy is a professional organizer and independent decorator now living in Jasper, AL. Formerly of Montgomery, Melissa owns Lulagrace Interiors where she was a regularly featured guest on morning television and had articles featured in the local newspaper and many local monthly publications. For more information you may visit her at Melissa is also a member of the Facebook community at or on Twitter at
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