Blog: Healthy Wealthy Organizers
Prioritize Your Marketing
Every wonder how to find time to fit in the marketing you need to do? Especially with the advent of social marketing - just when are you supposed to find time to Facebook, Twitter, Link In, blog, and U-Tube?
So often, the aspect of your business that needs the most attention - marketing - gets lost in the shuffle of managing clients, designing programs and products and day to day administrative details. You must commit to marketing a priority - every day - but if you use your time wisely it's easier than you think.
Whenever possible, start the first hour of your day with "bottom line" activities. Instead of surfing the net or answering emails, use that first hour to do research, work on a product or service you're offering, write an article to submit to an article marketing service, update your Twitter and Facebook posts and post to your blog.
These are just a few of the things you can do to market your business, what's important here is that you're committing to work on this consistently - day after day - and you make time at the start of your day to fit these activities into your schedule.
Prioritize and re-prioritize your goals to make sure you're focused on what's really important to the growth of your business. Set aside blocks of time (enter these as appointments on your calendar, this helps tremendously) and keep these appointments sacred. You'll find that the more organized you are with your marketing, the more you will get done in a much shorter time period!
posted on: 8/16/2010 5:07:47 PM by Robin Stephens
category: Health
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Healthy Wealthy Organizers
by Robin Stephens
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Hello, I'm Robin Stephens -
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