We ended last week by talking about gaining more storage space by cleaning out your closets as recommended by colleague in Professional Organizing, Stephanie Culp. So, after you've given yourself extra space by weeding this out, you can make even more space for yourself with space saving products and systems.
One simple example is, installing a double rod in the closet, using the bottom rod for pants and shirts and blouses on the top rod. This instantly doubles the hanging space! For the do-it-yourself types, be sure to measure so that your purchases will serve your needs with maximum storage benefits.
Things to keep in mind while looking for this extra space are:
CLEARANCE-Allowing for clearance space to easily access all areas of the room. For doors, drawers, and baskets take into consideration the amount of space required for opening.
ALLOWANCES-Note where the windows begin and end, pipe placement, outlets, heating and air conditioning units, and so forth.
WALL SURFACE-Be sure you know the type of walls you will be shelving because the surface will determine the types of hardware you'll need.
ELEMENTS OF MEASURING-Measure height, width, and depth for all cabinets and closets. Look for allowances and clearances required.
MEASUREMENT FORECASTING-Major possessions should be measured to accurately determine the amount of total space needed for everything to fit comfortably. Plan ahead for any future purchases or expansion when you decide your final measurement.
FLOORS AND WALLS-Measure for shelves, grids, hooks on the backs of doors and inside cupboards.
SYSTEMS MEASREMENTS-Before buying ordering systems measure your area to make sure there's good match.
PERMANENCE FACTOR-If you rent, consider portable storage systems. If you own, customize and permanent may be the best option.
ODD MEASUREMENTS-Don't leave these out because while shopping you may find unusually sized objects that will fit perfectly!
Judy Warmington, Woman Time Management (owner) -- Busy wife, mother of three adult/married children, grandmother of 10 (5 boys and 5 girls!), former high school teacher (M.A. from W.M.U.), Speaker, Author, Radio Personality, and Trainer of Professional Organizers.
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