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Blog: Busy Moms Can Be Organized Too

Soon we will be putting away the holiday decorations and focusing on some of those New Year's resolutions.

A common resolution is to organize your crafts. You enjoy all your crafts but they are stored haphazardly throughout your home. They are in the family room, they are on the dining room table, they are all over the floor in the basement, they are in a pile on the kitchen counter.

It's time to get it together and get them organized!

Here are some suggestions to help you organize your crafts:

If you find that you are taking too much time to find the necessary materials and it's affecting your craft-making abilities, it's time to focus your creative energy towards a designated craft room. Keeping your craft supplies organized will save you lots of time - more time to create, less time to locate what you need.

Whether you're into card making, scrap booking or any other type of craft, you'll have more time for the things you love when they are organized.

First rule is to keep all of your supplies and materials in one area of your home, and stick to it! Look around your home.

Select a space that will provide you with sufficient storage space, space to work and, if need be, the ability to watch of your child as you work. Why not designate a space in the playroom? This will keep both of you busy!

If you prefer to have good lighting instead of convenience, set up an area in a well-lighted room.

Are you dealing with a small space? Why not turn a standard closet into a craft closet, to keep things tucked away when you're not working. Depending on the situation, you might be able to put a desk space in the closet with storage overhead to create a craft room. If not, consider using a folding table that you can store away when not in use.

Be sure to organize by hobby. When you have multiple hobbies (and a lot of creative people do), keep things separated. You can use a different shelf, drawer and/or color-coded container for each craft. Try to keep these different items confined to their assigned areas so they are easy to locate when needed. Make sure to put things back in their designated space when finished working on them at the end of the day to keep them organized and distinquished from other craft projects.

Designate a general space in your craft area for items you tend to use in every project - like scissors, glue guns and tape. Store these items in an easy to access area, such as in a drawer or in a box on a shelf over your work space.

Think vertically. Look up! Look down! Utilize all of the available space, without overrunning the home with craft supplies. Think about using wall space for vertical shelving, over door space with clear shoe organizers to hold various supplies and even storage under a bed or table. (If it's visible, use a decorative container.) You will be amazed at how much room you can create for your crafts. Be creative!

If you want to be mobile, think about using on-the-go storage. A rolling cart will give you the flexibility to take your creative works with you. Be sure to select a portable container that can organize your projects and supplies by compartmentalizing them.

Use your imagination to create a place where you can maximize your potential without the distraction of clutter and most importantly, ENJOY!

posted on: 12/24/2010 8:30:00 AM by Audrey Cupo
category: Family

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Busy Moms Can Be Organized Too

by Audrey Cupo

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About Audrey:

Audrey Cupo is a full-time Professional Organizer and sole proprietor of A BETTER SPACE based in Bucks County, PA. She specializes in residential organizing and focuses her business on helping busy moms get organized with her services and her U Can Do It product line. To sign up for her free newsletter full of great monthly tips, resources and product reviews go to www.4abetterspace.com.

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