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Blog: Helping Kids Become Organized
The ABC's of Organizing Kids: E is for Eat your spinach first

Well, are you wondering if you are reading the wrong topic? Fear not…. what we are talking about is helping our children do the things that they might favor less… First.  Just as many children would prefer to save the spinach on their plate for last or not eat it at all; our children would prefer to save things they need to do until last or not do them at all. The fact is, our creativity and energy are more often used up in the earlier efforts we invest our time into, leaving us with little to give to things that remain at the end. If we can choose to do the harder things or those requiring more creativity first, we can much more easily accomplish the more mundane tasks later with much less effort. Not only will this process allow us to get more done and with a higher level of quality but it will provide us with a much greater level of satisfaction and motivation for the next task.

The process of eating our spinach first can also greatly help us accomplish larger projects. With large projects we best accomplish those by breaking them down into smaller tasks. By doing this we not only have smaller tasks that are easier to accomplish but we can now prioritize them and schedule them so that we do those things that require more energy and creativity at the right times in our day and our week. This puts us in a position to be more successful in completing the bigger task and not procrastinate and allow it to go undone or pile up. This is a fundamental process that is so important and is so much more beneficial when learned early in life.
Remember that the things that we do not do and allow to pile up; whether in things that go undone and pile up mentally as actions or that pile up physically as stuff, are the things in our life that are "postponed decisions". If we can find better ways to take action from the start, we can avoid much of what gets accomplished poorly, late or not at all.

posted on: 11/5/2007 9:00:00 AM by Rosanne Larkins
category: Family

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Helping Kids Become Organized

by Rosanne Larkins

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About Rosanne:

Rosanne Larkins, Defining Time & Space Professional Organizing, Helping people put peace into their life through simplifying things around them. Reduce stress through creating order, save money knowing what you have, save time knowing where to find things.

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