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Blog: Organize This!
Top Ten Tips to Declutter Women's Closets

It's officially summer and what better way to begin by organizing your closets! All women deserve happy closets (and drawers). Happy closets help us feel good about our bodies and are easier to navigate and maintain. Let's break it down:

Closet Basics:
--Categorize by type: short sleeve, long sleeve, pants, skirts, blazers, evening wear, etc.
--Next categorize by color: Think ROY G. BIV.
--Don't think summer or winter, think basics. Switch only a few items meant for only one season.
--Use two types of nice hangers: fuzzy hangers for sweaters and sleeveless tops and smooth hangers for items you want to pull off the hanger and go.
--New item in, old item out; carry a list of what you need to eliminate impulse purchases.
Purge your wardrobe
--At the end of winter and summer
--If it's worn, faded, "pilly", stained, or out of style, take it to the Goodwill and they will send it to a secondary market for recycling.
Donate unused clothing if you didn't wear it for two seasons
--If it still has the tag on it, donate it or give it away. Keeping it doesn't justify the purchase; donate it and forget it.
--Look for women career donation centers.
--Donate if clothing is outdated (watch "What not to Wear").
--Keep special (read, expensive) or classic items for more than two seasons.
Concentrate on your current size
--If you don't feel comfortable in your clothes, don't keep them.
--Buy new clothes when you lose weight.
--Small sizes make you feel bad and guilty.
--Larger sizes allow you to go off your diet.
Sweat pants & T-shirts
--Keep the nicest and most memorable ones.
--Don't use them as pajamas, buy real pajamas.
Underwear and lingerie
--Replace stretched out or stained lingerie.
--Get a bra fitting!
--Wear comfortable underwear, not what looks good on other women.
--Keep different colors in separate plastic bags; takes less time to find them and they don't snag.
--Keep tights separate from pantyhose in two bags for dark and light.
--If you have to wade through your jewelry to find the piece you want, hand some down to relatives/friends, donate it or sell it.
--Fine jewelry is always in style, wear it often and not just for special occasions.
--Costume jewelry goes in and out of style, so purge often.
--Sell old gold jewelry you no longer wear. Use the money for vacation!
--Purge belts that don't fit and donate those still in style.
--If you've lost weight, get a new hole punched in the belt!
--Store flat in zipper bags with air pressed out. Takes up less room.
--Try new ways to use them (e.g. tie onto a purse; use as a belt).
--If shoes hurt, donate them.
--Repair/replace heels on good shoes.
--Put dryer sheets in shoes to keep fresh.
--Store shoes without boxes, takes up less room.
--Replace sneakers often, arches break down.
Clutter Quote: "Spend less time shopping and more time enjoying all that life has to offer." Markham Economist & Sun newspaper

posted on: 7/23/2011 2:30:00 PM by Vali Heist
category: General Organizing Tips

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Organize This!

by Vali Heist

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About Vali:

Vali Heist is a Certified Professional Organizer, the owner of The Clutter Crew for homeowners, and a Certified GO System Trainer for businesses. She is the author of "Organize This! Practical Tips, Green Ideas, and Ruminations about your CRAP. CRAP stands for Clutter that Robs Anyone of Pleasure! She writes a monthly column for the Reading Eagle called "Organize This!". Vali's bachelor's degree is in Business Administration from Shippensburg University and her Master's Degree is in Higher Education from Kutztown University. Vali has an extensive background of 24 years in Higher Education including training, administration, project management, writing, and editorial production. Her passion has always been organization and how it relates to the simplification of work and personal life in order to enjoy both to the fullest. Her ultimate goal is to continue finding simple, easy to implement ideas that work in the real world and pass them on to her clients.

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