Blog: Organize This!
Organize your bathroom as a sanctuary
I have one of the smallest bathrooms you've ever seen and luckily, I don't have to share the bathroom with my husband or son. And, I'm very stingy with what goes in my bathroom. I don't want a lot of choices in my bathroom in the morning since I'm usually half asleep. But nowhere in the home is the beauty industry's influence more apparent than in the bathroom. Their advertising is meant to send a message that we are not good enough, not young enough, and not beautiful or handsome enough. Therefore, we must constantly buy the next new hair product, make-up, shampoo, eye shadow, wrinkle reducer, etc.
The bathroom is supposed to be the one place that you can have a quiet moment alone; even if it's only five minutes. Bathrooms are our hiding places, our sanctuary away from the outside and inside world. Having a simplified, organized bathroom without clutter helps you relax when you get ready in the morning and at night before bed. Having so many choices in the bathroom is not freedom; it can be debilitating. Here are a few tips on organizing that very personal space.
Bathroom Basics:
1. Good lighting, high wattage; magnified mirrors for the visually challenged (like me) and a big trash can.
2. Two or three laundry baskets that nest inside each other. When one is full, take it to the laundry room.
3. Counter tops--keep only things you use every day. All other items go in the medicine cabinet, underneath the sink, or in the linen closet.
4. Use shower caddy over the shower head or a corner shelf in the stall. Think up and get things off the tub for easier cleaning.
5. Make sure you have enough towel rods for everyone using the bathroom or have hooks (child height) in kid's rooms to hang wet towels.
6. If more than one person uses the bathroom, designate a home for everything and make it easy to put things away.
Bath and beauty products:
1. Keep only items you use every day in the bathroom; other items should be stored in another location.
2. Make-up--keep in one container or drawer. Keep spare items in a container in the linen closet or out of the way.
3. Limit kid's toys to one bucket.
4. Only one type of each product (e.g. shampoo) in the shower stall at one time; store inventory in another location.
5. Keep a candle and bath salts close by if you take baths often.
Medicines and linens:
1. Dispose of expired medications, prescription medicines, or products that didn't work as promised.
2. Clean out toiletries you haven't used or don't want and give them to shelters.
3. Store like items together in separate containers. Make things easy to access so you don't lose track of items.
4. Fold towels as sets for storage. When towels are worn out, take to the animal shelter.
5. Keep cleaning supplies in a tote for easy retrieval. Keep one of each type of product.
6. Store linens in sets for easy retrieval; keep a pile for each bed.
Finally, look around your bathroom and talk to yourself about what you see. Is it a sanctuary for those hard to find quiet moments? Are you easily influenced by advertisements for the next best product that will change your life? Trust your judgment and refuse to buy in to the hype.
Clutter Quote: "Elegance is refusal." Diana Vreeland
posted on: 10/15/2011 2:30:00 PM by Vali Heist
category: General Organizing Tips
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Organize This!
by Vali Heist
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About Vali:
Vali Heist is a Certified Professional Organizer, the owner of The Clutter Crew for homeowners, and a Certified GO System Trainer for businesses. She is the author of "Organize This! Practical Tips, Green Ideas, and Ruminations about your CRAP. CRAP stands for Clutter that Robs Anyone of Pleasure! She writes a monthly column for the Reading Eagle called "Organize This!". Vali's bachelor's degree is in Business Administration from Shippensburg University and her Master's Degree is in Higher Education from Kutztown University. Vali has an extensive background of 24 years in Higher Education including training, administration, project management, writing, and editorial production. Her passion has always been organization and how it relates to the simplification of work and personal life in order to enjoy both to the fullest. Her ultimate goal is to continue finding simple, easy to implement ideas that work in the real world and pass them on to her clients.
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