Blog: Life Management
Are you the prince or princess of procrastination? If this fits you, you may need to take time for some procrastination problem solving.
Experts have discovered some helpful suggestions to help us overcome problem procrastination. One of those suggestions is to analyze your obstacles. Many times we procrastinate because the task presents some very real obstacles to you. For example, if a coworker is supposed to give you some essential information to complete your task, this could be what is holding you up, or perhaps you don't understand the computer software, so you need some special guidance before beginning. Ask yourself if it's a tangible object standing in your way; if so, resolve to act on it in the most creative way possible.
Another suggestion is to set aside the right time of day to work on your project. Plan, perhaps, an hour the first thing each morning to work on your project doing so until the work is completed. Setting aside time is important, but it must be the "right" time. Figure out when your peak performance time is: First thing in the morning? After lunch? Late in the afternoon? It doesn't matter as long as this is the best time for you.
Getting organized is an important procrastination issue. Long before you begin to work on any project, get everything needed for it organized. This might mean gathering information, collating statistics, or even simply placing the right files on your desk. Then, when it's time to begin, you'll be able to get right at it with no obstacles in your pathway.
Part of this organizing is breaking the job into manageable parts. You may be putting off getting started because the job looks too big. If you find that this is what is holding you up, grab a paper and pencil, and begin to break the job down into smaller parts. Now you can divide and conquer! And, relinquish your crown as prince or princess of procrastination!
posted on: 2/14/2012 12:00:00 PM by Judy Warmington
category: The Mental Side
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Life Management
by Judy Warmington
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Judy Warmington, Woman Time Management (owner) -- Busy wife, mother of three adult/married children, grandmother of 10 (5 boys and 5 girls!), former high school teacher (M.A. from W.M.U.), Speaker, Author, Radio Personality, and Trainer of Professional Organizers.
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