Blog: Life Management
The art of procrastination is one we've all dabbled with at one time or another. If you're dabbling too much these days then you need take time for some new pointers.
Believe it or not there is such a thing as planned procrastination. This may be used on unimportant or low-priority tasks. You really don't have to complete every single task that comes your way. You may not have to complete projects casually delegated to you by family or co-workers. And, you probably aren't as obligated as you may think to those jobs passed along to you to work on "when you have the time".
If a task is not truly relevant to your personal or work related goals, you should procrastinate on it. First, be sure to let the delegator know that you are not going to be able to help them as they originally had hoped. Your time is a valuable commodity and should be spent on things that really align to where you are headed. Too often we find ourselves in a time bind having taken on more than we really should have because we were afraid to say "no" even when it was justifiable.
On the other hand, you may be procrastinating on something that should be completed by someone else in your office or family; in this case the delegator is you. Your responsibility is to get the job done but, not necessarily by you.
Manage your time effectively. Do you understand basic time management principles? Have you become comfortable with scheduling your day by grouping similar duties together and minimizing time wasters? If not, perhaps it's time to read some of the excellent time management books available today, and attend a seminar or workshop to brush up on the basics.
Lastly, stop when you feel fatigued. Everyone has a saturation point. When you feel physically or mentally strained, don't hesitate to call it quits for a while. Take an hour, day or whatever length of time off you need. This is not procrastination; it's a technique to help you adjust your energy level to maintain the freshness you need to complete a task efficiently and effectively.
posted on: 2/21/2012 12:00:00 PM by Judy Warmington
category: The Mental Side
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Life Management
by Judy Warmington
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Judy Warmington, Woman Time Management (owner) -- Busy wife, mother of three adult/married children, grandmother of 10 (5 boys and 5 girls!), former high school teacher (M.A. from W.M.U.), Speaker, Author, Radio Personality, and Trainer of Professional Organizers.
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