Blog: Life Management
S - Sort with 4 Bags or Boxes labeled :
1.) Give Away or Sell
2.) Put Away
3.) Throw Away
4.) Storage
P– Professional Organizers are a great help to clear out the clutter!
R – Rule: 20/80 Rule applies in the closet - we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time.
I – It is Junk if:
1) It isn't life enhancing
2) It isn't "really" useful
3) It doesn't fit anymore
4) I don't really have place or space to store it
5) It doesn't love ME! (Don't love things that can't love you back …
unless it blesses or inspires you.)
N – No time to clean? Cleaning doesn't have to be one long session or giant project –
clean in short bursts of 5-10-15 minutes.
G - Garage (or Enclosed Junk yard?) The first, most, and last used location in the home:
we leave in it, return to it and through it, and it's the most logical place to be kept in
clean and useful condition.
C – Change of seasons is a natural time to dive into closet reorganizing.
L - Learn and use the Hanger Trick - each season turn all hangers backward and as you
use an item turn the hanger the right way. At the end of the season the backward
hanging clothes are the ones you didn't wear. Isn't it time for them to go?!
E – Entrance area needs to be inviting and free of clutter. When guest stop
in they will notice clutter faster than they will dust.
A - A box or basket ready for filling with castoffs throughout the year.
When filled it should go to the mission / garage sale / consignment
N- No! to: Someday Syndrome (most of us don't have the luxury to store
clothes we're not wearing. Clothes get worse with age. (Costumes belong
in the theatre.)
I - I can wear it in the yard or around the house clothes – how many grubbies
do you need?! The closet is like the refrigerator: something goes bad = toss it out!
N - Not wearing clothes because of the following:
1) It needs attention (dry cleaning, mending, pressing)
2) We have nothing to wear with it.
3) It doesn't fit.
4) Not the season for it.
5) Too many items in this category.
6) It doesn't make you feel your best (out of style, wrong color, etc.)
G – Good Garage Sale Tips:
1) Clean It (people are afraid of other people's germs!)
2) Price it (reasonably so it'll sell and you won't still have it!)
3) Display it! (up off the ground onto tables/ racks so it's easier to see)
4) Pool It (go together with neighbors or friends to draw more people)
5) Try the Honor System for payment (most people are honest and don't
like to face a clerk with your old bra or lawn mower with no motor!)
posted on: 2/28/2012 12:00:00 PM by Judy Warmington
category: The Mental Side
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Life Management
by Judy Warmington
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About Judy:
Judy Warmington, Woman Time Management (owner) -- Busy wife, mother of three adult/married children, grandmother of 10 (5 boys and 5 girls!), former high school teacher (M.A. from W.M.U.), Speaker, Author, Radio Personality, and Trainer of Professional Organizers.
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