Blog: Life Management
Caring for your lawn and ornamentals makes good aesthetic, economic, environmental, and human sense. Regarding aesthetics and economics: not only is thick, green grass attractive, but a healthy home landscape promotes social pride and neighborliness.
A healthy yard gives children a place to play. Controlling turf-destroying pests helps provide a soft, resilient surface to play on. Well maintained landscape can increase the value and selling price of a home. In the areas of environment: turf and ornamental's absorb air pollutants.
Roadside plantings help clean the air by absorbing toxic vehicle emissions. The root system of grass stabilizes soil and reduces wind, rain, and runoff erosion. Healthy stands of turf produces enough oxygen to support a person an entire day. Turf grass increases rainfall infiltration and recharges groundwater supply. Grass, trees and shrubs cool local temperatures by as much as 10 to 12 degrees. A football field of natural grass has the cooling capacity of a 70-ton air conditioner: 18-24 times the capacity of the average household central air unit!
And for physical and mental well being: Studies who that patients whose hospital rooms have a landscape view often recover more quickly. Well maintained yards reduce pests such as: ticks (which carry disease), bees, snakes, rodents, and mosquitoes.
Good lawn care makes good sense and is well worth your time.
posted on: 8/14/2012 12:00:00 PM by Judy Warmington
category: The Mental Side
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Life Management
by Judy Warmington
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About Judy:
Judy Warmington, Woman Time Management (owner) -- Busy wife, mother of three adult/married children, grandmother of 10 (5 boys and 5 girls!), former high school teacher (M.A. from W.M.U.), Speaker, Author, Radio Personality, and Trainer of Professional Organizers.
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