Blog: Just Do It… Finding The Motivation
A Simple Motivation Invitation
There's a gal in one of my Clutter Clubs that has come up with an awesome solution to her procrastination tendencies. She's decided that if something is not getting done in a timely fashion, then it's time to invite someone over.
No kidding! A mother of three under the age of 5, she's found a trick that is currently working for her. For instance, if she has been wanting to get her kitchen under control, then she'll call some friends and invite them over for dinner – that night! She says this new motivation technique works.
Are you daring enough to give this one a try?
With the holidays on the horizon, many of us are beginning to feel the pressure to tidy up, organize, clean, and stash and hide our stuff. We'd love to decorate and have family and friends over during the season, but we're not sure we're up for the challenge.
I suggest you begin this week by tackling one public space in your home. It could be your guest bathroom, entryway, or dining room. Just pick one spot to work on. Pick up the phone and invite a sister or friend over this upcoming Friday or Saturday. That gives you a deadline for having this one space finished.
Put your blinders on and ignore all of the other spaces that need organizing and just focus on this one spot. Don't call and cancel your date either! And it's important that you don't strive for perfection. Simply clear out the clutter and make things presentable. You have until Friday.
Plan to have some tea, watch a movie, or do some scrapbooking with this special friend when they arrive. This is your reward for completing your goal. Enjoy this time with your friend.
Go a step further and make a date for the following week. Then, in the time being, tackle another spot you want to have organized before the holidays. Your deadline is when your friend returns.
Have fun with this! Let it be a challenge, like "beat the clock". Think about how wonderful it would be to have that special time with your friend. Do something special with them to reward yourself for sticking with your project and seeing it through! If a mother of three under the age of 5 can do it, so can you!
posted on: 11/12/2007 12:00:00 PM by Nancy McGarity
category: The Mental Side
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Just Do It… Finding The Motivation
by Nancy McGarity
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About Nancy:
I'm a mom, wife, professional organizing consultant and speaker, and a former Early Childhood educator. A personal crisis in my own life took me from perfectionism to total mayhem. I want neither. I'm now all about balance and being realistic about what I and my clients can maintain. My organizing business Real Solutions For Living was started to: 1) let people know they are not alone in their struggle to overcome clutter chaos, 2) to help them reduce their stress, 3) to help them gain back control of their spaces and lives, and 4) to offer realistic, practical, and down to earth solutions. I love what I do!
Nancy's Website:
Favorite Quote:
- "Success consists of getting up one more time than you fall."
Favorite Books on Organizing
- Organizing For the Creative Person
- Making Peace With The Things In Your Life
- Buried Treasures
- Messie No More
- Conquering Chronic Disorganization
- Organizing From the Inside Out
- Clutter's Last Stand