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My Favorites by Stacey Crew
Return To: Organizing [Busy] Women
My Favorites...
- Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui
This book started my journey to decluttering and understanding why I wasn't comfortable in my home and in my own skin. I discovered the book in a department store while I was browsing. It was the most unlikely place to find this book, which truly changed my life. Shortly after reading the book, I started my business as a professional organizer and started writing my first book, The Get Organized Guide for Busy Women.
- Dr. Seuss Books
My favorite is "Oh The Places You'll Go." I read this book to my children. It's so elementary, yet there are so many underlying words of wisdom.

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About Stacey:
I'm Stacey Crew, mom, author and professional organizer. With more than 12 years of experience in the corporate world, 10 years as a parent, and professional organizer and business owner for the past 4 years, I'm excited to share my experience with you. Since I started my business in 2003, I've published two books and serviced well over 100 organizing clients. Prior to that, I had the experience of moving five times in six years and having two children along the way. I guess you could say I've been busy. I'm passionate about my work to help ease women's stress through time and space organizing solutions. I look forward to sharing my expertise with you and answering any specific questions you may have as they relate to organizing.
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