Tips and hints to help you take the stress out of house cleaning. Learn shortcuts that will save you time, inexpensive and environment friendly cleaning agents that you can mix yourself, and ways to clean smarter-not harder, to help to give you time to enjoy life. Money Saving tips, organizing hints,green cleaning methods and recipes and tips on Home Maintenance too.
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Cleaning up Pine Needles from the Carpet
The presents are opened, the tree is looking a little dry and we have all made more memories in our lives to look back on. All in all, we have had a great holiday with family and friends, now it is time to clean up the mess. One job that we all hate to think of is taking down the tree. It seems that no matter how great we have planned, it doesn't work out. There are still pine needles all over. So, is there an 'easy' way of cleaning this up and not make matters worse? Try this and see if it works as well for you as it does for many of my readers. After the tree is down and out of the house, 1. Use a sticky lint roller to pick up all of the fine needles. 2. Spray a little water on the carpet and gently use a...
posted on: 1/1/2010 10:00:00 AM by Jan Hayner
category: Homes
Help! Winter is Coming and My Car Won't Fit
We all go thru this at this time of year and some garages are worse than others are. Last week I received a phone call that was just like the title to this article. A man called and realized that over the summer months he had added to his garage 'toys' and now had a mess on his hands or should I say, 'all over his garage'. This is the perfect time of year to do that organizing that you always planned on doing and so easily talked yourself out of doing. It is not too hot that you get overheated, is too cold that you need to have tons of clothes on and the weather is decent so you can put things outside. Start by taking everything that is on the floor area and put it in your driveway (be careful people...
posted on: 12/4/2009 10:00:00 AM by Jan Hayner
category: Homes
Organizing Kids Homework and Cleaning the Junk
Now that school is underway and some time has past, I am getting more emails from moms wondering what to do with all of the junk the kids have in their backpacks. Do we keep it or throw it out? This may help you sort through the mess and show the kids the value of organizing their papers. Use a cardboard box, Bankers Box or a two drawer filing cabinet to store the valuable papers (yes, some papers are worth saving). Have a garbage bag handy for junk and abinder ready for the precious stuff! Everyday or at least once a week, have a 'backpack tidy' part of your day! Sort through the papers and make a pile to file, one for keepsakes, one for things to handle now and one for junk. The...
posted on: 10/2/2009 10:00:00 AM by Jan Hayner
category: Homes
How to clean the mold in your hairdryer
The other day, a friend of mine said that everytime that she uses her hairdryer she can smell something moldy and wanted to know what to do about it. Well, to tell you the truth, this one was new to me, so naturally, I had to investigate further. Well, I found out that the little piece of paper called 'Instructions' that comes with your hair dryer, can be real handy in times like this! Amazing, who would have thought! I learned how to care for a hair dryer, what cause the mold odor and from now on to read 'all' of the instructions that comes with things that I purchase. However, that wasn't good enough for me, I had to find out how that disgusting odor managed to get there in the first...
posted on: 7/31/2009 10:00:00 AM by Jan Hayner
category: Homes
8 Things you can do with--Old Shower Curtains
We all like to have a fresh look to the bathroom and so we change the colors, decor and accessories. I am the kind of person that reuses; I can't throw anything away if I can find another use for it. The only thing in my bathroom that I had a problem figuring out what to reuse it for was, the good old shower curtain. Take it down and wash it in the washing machine with 1/4 c. vinegar and 2 Tablespoons of baking soda. This will get rid of the mold and disinfect it. 1. If there are bad parts on the bottom, just cut them off. Remember, with plastic you don't have to hem them, so you can use them for basement or garage curtains....
posted on: 7/24/2009 10:00:00 AM by Jan Hayner
category: Homes
8 Cleaning Tips-Using a Toothbrush
It is amazing what one tiny little tool can do to improve your home and make life a lot easier. I have child size toothbrushes that I get from the dollar store that are 'soft' and then a regular toothbrush that is medium and between the two, it cuts my scrubbing down immensely! 1. Use a soft brush for cleaning jewelry. 2. Use a medium brush for cleaning around the sink and getting all of the stuck on stuff off yuour sink for good! 3. use a soft brush for cleaning around the faucet and in those hard to reach areas. Add a little vinegar to the brush and your faucets will shine like new and no scum build up. 4. Use a medium brush for scrubbing those window panes and runners and glides. 5. Use a soft bristle brush for cleaning around the computer keys. 6. Use a soft bristle brush for cleaning the knobs on your stove too....
posted on: 7/17/2009 10:00:00 AM by Jan Hayner
category: Homes
Picnic Ideas for the Fourth of July Celebrations
No one wants to spend all day cleaning up everyones' mess when they are at a picnic, everyone wants to join in on the fun. However, then who is going to take care of making sure that everyone eats, usually dear old mom. Here are some tips to help eliminate your cleaning at a picnic and give you time for fun too!. Take along bagged potato chips and snacks- put these into zip lock bags, they will stay fresh longer and you don't have to worry about ants getting in them. Use margarine containers for things like cherry tomatoes, carrots etc. Then when you are finished, simply throw them away, no mess, no fuss and no cleaning! Foods to serve that have little or no work involved: Fresh Fruit Watermelon Boat...
posted on: 7/3/2009 10:00:00 AM by Jan Hayner
category: Homes
The kids are bored, but you have the answer
By now, the kids are at home for the summer, the car is a mess from using it as a taxi cab and you are wondering what you are going to do with them when they become bored.
Many years ago I had the same problem. Now that my kids are grown up and have kids of their own it is easier for them-all they have to do is send them to grandmas! So, the same techniques that I used then still work for the next generation, I hope that they work for you too! Do you remember those summer nights when you and a bunch of your friends would play kick-the-can, red light-green light, or ghost tag (with the flashlight)? Do your kids (or the neighborhood kids) know how to play these games?
posted on: 6/26/2009 10:00:00 AM by Jan Hayner
category: Homes
Get Rid of Summer Stains
With summer well underway, I am sure that everyone is going to have their share of stains on clothes, especially if you have kids. I have a few stain removing recipes that have ingredients that you have right in your kitchen. Add these to your picnic basket too and you are on your way to a stain free wash! Grass Stains Pre-treat the stain with a little vinegar and water mixture or rubbing alcohol and water. You can carry this in a small size spray bottle and basically are ready for almost all stains. Blood Stains If you have an article that needs to be dry cleaned, DO NOT pre-treat, just get it to the dry cleaners as soon as possible. For all other stains, mix a little hydrogen peroxide with water and using a paper towel or cotton rag, blot the blood stain, absorbing as much of the blood as possible. Then, add a small amount of dish soap (Dawn works the best) to the alcohol and water and blot again. This will take a good deal if not all of the blood out of the fabric and it is ready to wash when you get home.
Chocolate Stains...
posted on: 6/5/2009 10:00:00 AM by Jan Hayner
category: Homes
Your Kids Understand the Economy Too
This week, instead of cleaning the house, we are going to clean our financial budgets with the help of our kids.
posted on: 5/29/2009 10:00:00 AM by Jan Hayner
category: Homes
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About Jan:
Jan Hayner is a Professional Organizer and the creator of filled with tips and hints on home organizing and house cleaning shortcuts. After years and years of making mistakes and wasting money she has used her own experiences to help take the stress out of life. There are so many shortcuts to cleaning and organizing, that when you apply them, you will have time for the fun things in life!
Jan's Website:
Fun Things To Do
- Fishing Lake Michigan
Whether it is by boat or off the pier, there is nothing like getting that first Coho or King.
- Grandchildren are fun
Making memories for your grandchildren of all of the fun times they had with grandma and grandpa is one of the best memories you will make for yourself too.
- Camping
A tent, a firepit and sitting in the woods is a campers dream. We spend a lot of time camping in Northern Wisconsin and I have tons of camping recipes to share.
TV Shows
- American Idol
I am hooked on this show, nothing interrupts me when this is on. By the time they get to Hollywood, I already have the top ten picked out.
- Last Comic Standing
I love to see how these people, take the judges advice and change their tactics to become great comics, instead of just a comic.
- House
Now really, isn't he the kind of doctor you want on your side? He always has a reason for his actions, he looks until he finds the cure and he has flaws just like the rest of us.
- Any home make over show
I get some of my best ideas off of these shows and I also find things that I wouldn't dream of doing to someone elses home. I will admit, there are times that I wish they would call me and ask for my help!