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Organizing [Busy] Women by Stacey Crew

This blog will provide solution for busy women…not your family or spouse or children, but you! As a busy woman, it is essential to maximize your time by implementing systems for routine tasks so you can focus on what's most important. These tasks would include your morning routine, wardrobe and closet organization, laundry, mail, bill paying, and grocery shopping, for example. In this blog, I will address time and space organizing issues, including setting yourself up for success, understanding organizing is a process, how to identify your organizing abilities, how your mind will naturally lead you to uncluttering your home, and much more! Please post specific questions and I'll be glad to address them. Thank you and welcome! Stacey

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Sweet Escape

Last month, my mom, sister and niece visited. I have two daughters, so it was a house full of girls. While they were here, we ate a lot (as usual!), relaxed, and caught up. Since they live in New Jersey and my girls and I are in Charleston, SC, we don't see each other as nearly as much as we'd like! Our girls (8, 10 and 10) never fail to get the party going by singing karaoke! We downloaded specific songs they wanted to sing, including the Burnin' Up by Jonas Brothers, No Air by Rhianna and Forever by Chris Brown. My sister LOVES to sing and she's got a terrific voice! And much to my surprise, I decided to get up and sing to Natasha Benningfield'sPocket Full of Sunshine...and I thoroughly enjoyed it, which was...


posted on: 9/15/2008 12:30:00 PM  by Stacey Crew
category: Special Populations

In Someone Else's Shoes: Shifting My Perspective

I always say that major life transitions are what throw is into the greatest states of disorganization. Think about the last time you moved or when you had a baby or sadly a loved one passed on and you inherited their belongings. We wind up with stuff that is now our responsibility to manage, and some of it may be items that we no longer need or want, but don't know what to with.


posted on: 8/11/2008 12:30:00 PM  by Stacey Crew
category: Special Populations

Let's Pretend We're Moving

How much time do you spend each day managing "stuff"? It's a big commitment and what can be a long process to downsize to the point of being able to get through a day without feeling like very little got accomplished.

Once again, I'm moving my daughters and I back into a house that I own that I'd really like to sell, but right now it's not a good time to put it on the market. So, I'll move back in, renovate a couple of bathrooms, paint and do some landscaping...all the while, hoping the market will improve and I can sell this Fall.   Moving is a great time to assess what you have, what you no longer need, and what you don't want to transport to your new locale. Although I've downsized incredibly...


posted on: 2/18/2008 12:30:00 PM  by Stacey Crew
category: Special Populations

No New Year's Resolutions!

I'm not the type who makes New Year's Resolutions. Never have been, really. But the New Year always brings a sense of renewal and a fresh start. It's an opportunity to set out to do better and achieve results in one or more areas. As an organizer, simplification is always part of this renewal. An attempt to find more ways to make things easier so I can focus on what I really enjoy.   These days, it's rare that you hear someone say they like to spend hours cleaning their house or doing laundry. Or how about grocery shopping and mowing the lawn. Gardening, that's another story. Whatever it is that you want to focus on or enjoy doing, simplifying in the areas that are less enjoyable (or a chore) will get you more...


posted on: 1/7/2008 12:30:00 PM  by Stacey Crew
category: Special Populations

Disaster of a Desk Area?

Having trouble keeping track of the papers on your desk? Do you have unfinished projects or projects in the works that you don't know where to put until they're complete?

If you're a visual person, putting these unfinished projects in a desk drawer (even if it's labeled) could mean the difference between failure or success (the case of out of site, out of mind). For some people, if they can't see it, it doesn't exist (at least that's what my 6-year-old told me one day...that made me laugh but I began to wonder if there weren't some deep psychological issues looming!). ...


posted on: 12/5/2007 10:05:17 AM  by Stacey Crew
category: Special Populations

It's okay to have a junk drawer!

Many people won't even admit they have a junk drawer because it in someway connotes being messy, even if outwardly they are not. Well, I say you should have a junk drawer. Why? Well, we all need a place to "temporarily" stash papers or our stuff that accumulates on the countertops in the kitchen.   Designate a drawer, a shallow one that holds only your junk (or "stuff"). Divide the drawer with containers to hold keys (put them there everytime you walk in the door), cell phone and charger, pencils, pens, paper, a catchall for safety pins, hair holders, extra batteries (if you have a lot,...


posted on: 11/12/2007 12:30:00 PM  by Stacey Crew
category: Special Populations

Why? Question everything!

We tell our kids "because I said so" when they ask "why" and become frustrated when people question our decisions. But perhaps we're doing ourselves a disservice by not asking ourselves "why?" more often.   For many years, I was on auto-pilot. Just doing because, well, because they said so. Who is "they" anyway? And WHY was I so tied to what "they" think?   Well, perhaps I'm just a child in grown up shoes, but today I question just about everything. Hitting mid-life got me thinking about how important it is to make the most of my time and energy. I began to re-assess and ask questions such as:

Do I really want to be responsible for all this stuff? Do I like all this stuff? Am I spending time...


posted on: 11/6/2007 8:38:57 AM  by Stacey Crew
category: Special Populations

Say "No!" to Your Inner Critic

When I published my first book back in 2004, the term "inner critic" hadn't been coined yet. But, I don't about you, but I've been fighting the inner critic for years! She's not my friend, nor a cheerleader...but a tough woman who doesn't like me so much. After ignoring her, telling her to go away, and replacing her with thoughtful, positive messages, I don't hate her anymore, but I don't allow her to get into my conscious psyche and interrupt my future plans.


posted on: 10/29/2007 12:30:00 PM  by Stacey Crew
category: Special Populations

Wardrobe Change: Quick Closet Organizing Solutions

Now that we're officially in the Fall season, it's a great time to address closets. Inspired by a recent trip to New York City to consult on closets in a small space, this week I'm focusing on simple closet issues that can increase your hanging space and get shoes off the floor.

With cooler and colder weather coming, pack up what you know you won't need for the winter such as bathing suits, shorts and sundresses. Use bins to store these items and make sure you've used a


posted on: 10/22/2007 12:30:00 PM  by Stacey Crew
category: Special Populations

What's Your Secret?

So how many have read the book The Secret? I have, several times actually. I love the idea of manifesting one's dreams. In fact, I'm in awe of the power the mind.   When I was leaving Best Buy recently, I spotted a book called There is More to the Secret, which asks the question: Is it possible to believe in both God and the Law of Attraction? Big question that I'm not attempting to answer here, but it got me thinking. Anyway, I bought the book because I'm curious to see if it offers more validation that The Secret is the way. Not so much. I mean it does, but it also pokes a little fun and points out that without some hard work, no matter how much you visualize from your couch, the new car is not going to magically appear in the driveway....


posted on: 10/15/2007 12:30:00 PM  by Stacey Crew
category: Special Populations

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About Stacey:

I'm Stacey Crew, mom, author and professional organizer. With more than 12 years of experience in the corporate world, 10 years as a parent, and professional organizer and business owner for the past 4 years, I'm excited to share my experience with you. Since I started my business in 2003, I've published two books and serviced well over 100 organizing clients. Prior to that, I had the experience of moving five times in six years and having two children along the way. I guess you could say I've been busy. I'm passionate about my work to help ease women's stress through time and space organizing solutions. I look forward to sharing my expertise with you and answering any specific questions you may have as they relate to organizing.

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