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Do you really know what stress is? According to to Webster, stress is "mental, emotional, or physical TENSION or strain." There are two different kinds of stress -- the kind that makes you feel overwhelmed(ex: when you have too many things to do), and the kind that makes you feel excited (ex: when you are looking forward to something). However, both "positive" and "negative" stress have the same physical effect on your body when unchecked -- they deplete your reserves and leave you DRAINED. The only solution is to either make a conscious effort to spend more time in a lower gear, or take time in between bursts to rest and RECUPERATE.
Some Practical Organizing Tips...
What causes you stress? Is there something in life that wears you down or makes you worry? The first step to dealing with stress is to recognize its sources -- pinpointing the specific STRESSORS in your life, however subtle they may be.
Stress management techniques -- deep breathing, exercise, yoga, meditation, etc. -- have an immediate calming EFFECT on those stressors. When you get crazed, stop and take a few minutes do something that will bring you back to your center.
A more proactive solution is to eliminate your stressors altogether. We often act like we have no CONTROL over our environments, when we actually have a great deal of say-so about what we endure and what we don't -- if we will just speak up.
Do-It-Yourself Solutions...
Get Organized Newsletter
Check out past issues for tips on managing stress
Organizers Toolbox
Checklists and tip sheets to help you reduce stress
What Is Your Time Worth?
Find out how much of your time is being wasted by unnecessary stress
Do You Need To Get Organized At Home?
Take this quick quiz to see if your life is stressing you out
Do You Need To Get Organized At Work?
Take this quick quiz to see if you are getting stressed out by work
What Are You Doing To Get Organized?
Share your stress reduction strategies and techniques with others
The Latest Organizing Products
"Do-it-yourself" tools to help you end the stress of disorganization
Useful Website Links...
101 Ways To Cope With Stress
Sometimes little changes can make all the difference -- check out 101 little tips
American Institute Of Stress
Articles, an online newsletter, and stress-related website links
Holmes Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale
Determination of the total amount of stress you are experiencing in your life
How To Stay Stressed
Tongue-in-cheek checklist for anyone who doesn't feel the need to combat stress
Website of the Institute For Stress Management And Performance Improvement
Professional Life Stress Scale
Take a look at where you stand along a stress continuum
Six Myths About Stress
Think you know all there is to know about stress? Think again!
Stress Cure.Com
Dedicated to relieving stress -- check out their Health Resource Network
Stress Dynamics
Offers information on stress, stress management, stress reduction, and more.
Stress Management And Emotional Wellness Links
Everything from relaxation techniques to situation-specific solutions
Stress Management For Parents
Stress management tips and relaxation exercises to motivate stressed parents
Stress Management For Team Workers
Extensive research on the symptoms, causes and solutions for workplace stress
Stress, Humor And Health
Lighten up and laugh your way out of stress with these uplifting ideas
The Different Kinds Of Stress
The right stress management solutiondepends on what kind of stress you have
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