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NEW! - Keywords For This Page: Ergonomics - Work Environment
Feel free to use this tip sheet / checklist as you tackle your own ""do-it-yourself"" organizing projects. If you would like to REPRINT or DISTRIBUTE this information, please click here for reprinting instructions.
- monitor position is directly in front so do not have to twist head or neck
- top line of screen is at or below eye level
- keyboard positioned so wrists flat and level
- keyboard tray stable and large enough to hold keyboard and mouse
- mouse is right next to keyboard so it can be operated without reaching
- wrists and hands do not rest on sharp or hard edge
- monitor correct distance to read without leaning head, neck, or trunk
- no glare (e.g., from windows, lights) is present on the screen
- document holder is placed at same height and distance as monitor screen
- can sit and work so head, neck, and trunk face forward (not twisted)
- can sit so trunk perpendicular to floor (not leaning forward or backward)
- shoulders and upper arms perpendicular to floor
- arms and shoulders relaxed and level (not elevated)
- can sit so desk or keyboard reached without stretching arms forward
- desktop positioned so close to body (not extended outward)
- switch back and forth between computer work other tasks
- take micro-breaks or recovery pauses while working on a computer
- regular stretching breaks for employee to get up and walk around
- thighs are parallel to floor and lower legs are perpendicular to floor
- feet can rest flat on floor or are supported by a stable footrest
- backrest provides support for lower back
- seat width and depth appropriate for individual's size and build
- seat front does not press against the back of knees and lower legs
- seat has cushioning and is rounded or has "waterfall" front (no sharp edge)
- armrests support both forearms while and do not interfere with movement
- thighs have clearance space between chair and desk
- legs and feet have clearance space under desk and movement not impeded
- frequently used supplies and equipment within arm's reach
- can reach most files, supplies, etc. without bending or reaching
- adequate work surface to spread out without sitting in a cramped position
- telephone can be used with head upright and shoulders relaxed at all times
- workstation has sufficient adjustability for a variety of tasks
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