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NEW! - Keywords For This Page: Safety / Security - Repairs / Maintenance - Automobiles
Feel free to use this tip sheet / checklist as you tackle your own ""do-it-yourself"" organizing projects. If you would like to REPRINT or DISTRIBUTE this information, please click here for reprinting instructions.
- oil level -- add oil if low and check for leaks
- hoses -- replace if bulging, rotten, or brittle
- belts -- replace if worn, frayed, or glazed
- tire pressure -- add air if low
- coolant or antifreeze -- add more if low
- air filter -- replace if dirty
- inspect tires for leaks, damage, bulges, or uneven wear
- oil and oil filter -- change every 3,000 miles
- windshield washer fluid -- add fluid if low
- battery and power steering fluid -- add fluid if low
- brake fluid -- add fluid if low
- transmission fluid -- add fluid if low
- battery terminals and cables -- clean if corroded
- wiper blades -- replace if worn, brittle, or smeary
- make sure headlights, brake lights, and turn signals work
- make sure horn works properly
- inspect brakes for wear and tear or "slippage"
- make sure spare tire is fully inflated
- inspect exhaust system for rust, damage, or loose parts
- inspect shock absorbers for oil seepage or wear
Copyright Ramona Creel, all rights reserved-- you are welcome to reprint any article, but you MUST include this resource box.
Ramona Creel is a modern Renaissance woman and guru of simplicity -- traveling the country as a full-time RVer, sharing her story of radically downsizing, and inspiring others to regain control of their own lives. As a Professional Organizer and Accountability Coach, Ramona will help you create the time and space to focus on your true priorities -- clearing away the clutter other obstacles and standing in the way of that life you've always wanted to be living. As a Professional Photographer, Ramona captures powerful images of places and people as she travels. And as a travel writer, social commentator, and blogger, she shares her experiences and insights about the world as we know it. You can see all these sides of Ramona -- read her articles, browse through her photographs, and even hire her to help get your life in order -- at And be sure to follow her on Twitter and on Facebook.
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