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NEW! - Keywords For This Page: Disaster Preparedness - Safety / Security - Trouble - Automobiles
Feel free to use this tip sheet / checklist as you tackle your own ""do-it-yourself"" organizing projects. If you would like to REPRINT or DISTRIBUTE this information, please click here for reprinting instructions.
- pull off of the road and out of traffic
- turn on your hazard lights or put out flares on the road
- check to see if anyone is injured
- if any injuries, call for an ambulance
- contact the police to send an officer out
- look for any witnesses who might have seen the accident
- do not admit fault for the accident
- draw a diagram of the location and position of cars
- make detailed notes about what happened
- include info about weather, speeds traveled, and road conditions
- take pictures of vehicle positions and site of accident
- take pictures of vehicle damage
- get a copy of the accident report from the police
- names and badge numbers of any police on the scene
- call your insurance agent within 24 hours of the accident
- contact info for other driver (name, address, phone)
- contact info for other passengers (name, address, phone)
- contact info for witnesses (name, address, phone)
- insurance info (company name, address, policy number)
- be sure to get info directly from insurance card to verify
- license plate number
- driver's license number
- car description (make, model, year, and color)
- try to make it to a well-lit and populated area before stopping
- put up the hood and set out flares or turn on your hazard lights
- get back in your car, lock the doors, roll up the windows
- if you have a cell phone, call for help
- if a stranger stops, roll your window down just a small bit
- ask the person to call a tow truck for you
Copyright Ramona Creel, all rights reserved-- you are welcome to reprint any article, but you MUST include this resource box.
Ramona Creel is a modern Renaissance woman and guru of simplicity -- traveling the country as a full-time RVer, sharing her story of radically downsizing, and inspiring others to regain control of their own lives. As a Professional Organizer and Accountability Coach, Ramona will help you create the time and space to focus on your true priorities -- clearing away the clutter other obstacles and standing in the way of that life you've always wanted to be living. As a Professional Photographer, Ramona captures powerful images of places and people as she travels. And as a travel writer, social commentator, and blogger, she shares her experiences and insights about the world as we know it. You can see all these sides of Ramona -- read her articles, browse through her photographs, and even hire her to help get your life in order -- at And be sure to follow her on Twitter and on Facebook.
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