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You Are Here: Home - Find An Organizer - Before And After Photos

Can You Pick Out The Photo Of Your Home Or Office?

No, we didn't sneak into your home or office! These are client PHOTOS, taken before and after organizing (click on the photo for a larger view). If you're ready for some help finding SOLUTIONS to your organizing problems, request a referral for an organizer in your area.


This client's bedroom was buried in years of accumulated clutter -- until we sorted, gave the "keepers" a home, cleaned out "unwanteds", and relocated things that didn't belong in her room (like her kid's Legos!)


It's amazing what you can do with labeled containers! We found some colorful photo boxes that were perfect for stationery -- and file folders in big open cardboard boxes so she could get at them easily.


This client could never find anything in her closet! So we arranged her clothes by color, type, and season. Rarely-worn items were moved out of the way to the higher shelves -- leaving room for storing more often-worn clothing within easy reach. Finally, we added stacking drawers for accessories and lingerie. Now it takes her less time to get ready.


This client needed to store a lot of office supplies in a small cubicle, so we bought a cabinet with doors to hide away the smaller items. The lateral drawers on the bottom also provided additional filing space for her loose papers (which she desperately needed!) The shelf was then freed up for notebooks and handouts, stored in stacking trays.


This client's laundry storage was wasted on stuff that belonged elsewhere. After moving these "homeless" items to other parts of the house, we could consolidate all of her cleaning products in one area.


This client was plagued by too much paper and not enough room! We brought in two lateral cabinets to provide more filing space than his small "standard" cabinets. We then placed a document sorter on top of one cabinet -- for those forms and papers that my client needed to have at his fingertips. Makes his work day much easier!


This is a teen client's closet. After cleaning out 6 bags of clothes that didn't fit or were out of style (not to mention innumerable bags of trash), we hung outfits by season, color, and occasion. We then lined her shoes on the shelf above her clothes and stored all of her accessories together. Best of all, her closet has stayed this way for over two years!


This client's desk drawer was a dumping ground. But the addition of a drawer tray helped to create a specific and logical place for each of his office supplies. Now he can find his stamps and tape!


This client loved to "tinker," but could never find the tools she needed. We hung a pegboard, set up a workbench, and separated small hardware like nails and screws into labeled clear plastic drawers.


This client was afraid she would have to spend a fortune on fancy containers to tame her office. However, we found a plethora of unused organizing paraphernalia (baskets, plastic drawer systems, Tupperware tubs) just lying around the house and put them right to work! All it took was a little bit of creativity and a label maker -- voila!


This client never had enough room to store food in her kitchen cabinets. By returning the pantry to it's original use -- and creating some additional storage on the back of the door -- she can now buy dry and canned goods in bulk (good thing, since she has 2 kids!) She also has room in her cabinets for cookware, dishes, and Tupperware now that the food is stored elsewhere in her pantry.


Sometimes you just have more stuff than will reasonably fit in the space you have available! We sent 7 years' worth of this company's old financial paperwork to a records storage facility. We then sorted supplies into categories -- which were then stored in easily accessible labeled boxes and stacking trays -- keeping "like items" together in the same area.


It took this client nearly two hours to get ready each day -- no wonder! We organized this jumble of toiletries on the counter using a "stepped" shelving system -- allowing her to see everything at once.


This client converted a bedroom closet into home office storage -- it wasn't necessarily the most appropriate space for the items being stored there, but we made it work. But we created a more efficient storage area by going vertical -- using an extra shelf from the garage, some spare stacking trays, and a labeled cardboard drawer unit.


It's amazing how much space you can create in a kitchen drawer if you group like items together! In this case, we simply separated the different types and sizes of silverware using custom drawer dividers.


This client was cramped for space, using this small one-sided desk. We went shopping for a good used "L" desk that would give her room for her computer and a place to spread out all of her paperwork.


Sometimes, it's difficult to know what to do with an unfinished basement that has no "real" walls. In this case, we installed a peg system that could be firmly attached to each wooden support with a heavy-duty screw. This sturdy space-saving solution now holds all of this client's gardening tools and cleaning supplies.

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