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     You Did That On Purpose!

Little Tommy intentionally pushes little Suzie. Suzie runs to the teacher and exclaims "Tommy pushed me on purpose!" It all seems pretty childish, but take a closer look at what's going on. "You did that on purpose!" The meaning behind this one simple childhood utterance can literally CHANGE your life...almost overnight. What does Suzie mean by "on purpose," and how can that change your life?

The idea of living "on purpose" has been a major focus of personal development for a while now, especially the last several years. Writers, speakers, coaches and therapists all claim that by living "on purpose," your life experience can be dramatically more POSITIVE, passionate and PROSPEROUS. What the heck are they talking about though? 

If you look up the word "purpose" in a dictionary, you'll find the following definition -- "a result or an effect that is intended or desired; an INTENTION." That's a pretty simple definition, right? You would think it's also pretty easy to implement this idea in your own life. It's certainly easy for little Tommy. For us adults though, it tends to be somewhat of a challenge, doesn't it?

There seem to be a bit of confusion around this idea of living "on purpose." Many people are confounded by the idea that a purpose is something to do. This is where we get caught up in our various ROLES, such as parent, teacher, salesperson, doctor, writer or whatever role you play in your life. As much as we hate to admit it though, many times, playing your particular role doesn't feel all that positive, passionate or prosperous.  

What if your purpose is not something to "DO" but, instead, something to "BE?" Remember, you're a human be-ing not a human do-ing. Let's look at that thought for a moment.

Wouldn't you agree most people want to be HAPPY? So, lets say "happy" is your purpose; your intention; your desired result or effect. Each day, you wake up and tell yourself "my purpose today is to be happy." One of two things can happen at this point. 

First, you may create, through your own happy thoughts, happiness INSIDE yourself. You've met people like that before haven't you? Perhaps you're someone who does that. Your overall intention is to "be happy" regardless of anything outside yourself. It's a state of mind. When something happens outside you which threatens your happiness, you REFOCUS your thoughts to see that event in a happy, joyful way. You intentionally look for something good and joyful about everything, even when it may not be apparent at first glance.  

The second thing that may happen, is that you look OUTSIDE yourself for your purpose. If -- in our example -- your purpose is happiness, you look to derive your happiness from other people, objects or your roles. You think: "if people would just do what I want them to do..." or "if I could just have this or that..." or "if I could just have that car, enough money or that perfect job...then I'll be happy." Of course, sometimes you can find happiness this way, but it’s fleeting. You can't CONTROL things outside yourself -- so you risk your happiness going away. Doesn't it make sense to intentionally create happiness inside yourself first?

Have you ever heard these tidbits of wisdom?
  • "If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else." (Marvin Gaye)

  • "The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs." (James Allen)

  • "We are shaped by our thoughts. We become what we think." (Buddha)

  • "Nurture your minds with great thoughts, to believe in the heroic makes heroes." (Benjamin Disraeli)

  • "Spiritual force is stronger than material force; thoughts rule the world." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

As far as living your life "on purpose," those nuggets of wisdom point to the same basic idea, don't they? Your purpose is not found in something outside you, such as a person, an object or what you do. Your purpose is found inside you and you CREATE it with your thoughts. Further, by creating your inner purpose with your thoughts, you in turn create your outer EXPERIENCE. Whatever you want to experience in your outer reality, whether it's happiness, love, prosperity, compassion, freedom or whatever, begin making it your purpose. How do you do that? It's simple really. Each day when you wake up, just decide "today, I make it my purpose to be happy, prosperous, compassionate, loving..." 

Spend 20 minutes each morning “BEING” your purpose. If your purpose is happiness, think happy thoughts, smile non-stop for 20 minutes, sing a happy song, dance, shout, think about happy memories, envision a happy future. Focus only on happy thoughts, be happy and feel the emotion of happiness. Throughout the day, ask yourself "am I being my purpose right now?" Before you react to a situation, ask yourself "what response would be in ALIGNMENT with my chosen purpose?" 

As you more and more be your purpose, your outer experience will FLOW from that. Your "do-ing" will flow from your "be-ing." Before long, somebody will say or think, just like little Suzie, "you're being happy, prosperous and loving on purpose!"  Don't worry though, you won't get punished for it. In fact, you'll be richly rewarded.  Its your life. Create it the way you want it! 


Michael Pollock is a popular online writer and Personal Coach. He works with proactive people who are determined to make their lives all they want them to be. Visit his website at www.successfulifecoach.com. You can also subscribe to his popular online newsletter at .

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