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February 2004 - An Organized Career Change
"Sometimes you wonder how you got on this mountain. But sometimes you wonder, How will I get off?"
- Joan Manley
This Month's Featured Articles
"Changing Jobs? Get Organized!"by Cathy Goodwin
Looking for a job requires some new time management, paper management, and life organizing skills -- it's never too soon or too late to get started!
"Critical Items You Can't Afford To Leave Behind"by Patricia Diorio
When you leave a position, some items -- reference info, contacts, tools, your personnel record, and accomplishments -- that need to go with you.
"Interview Etiquette"by Ajay Patole
Interviewing can be the scariest part of a job search -- tips will help you master the art of effectively communicating your skills to an employer.
"Resume Success Factors"by Peter Hill
Can put together an eye-catching and informative summary of your job history and skills? If not, check out these 6 key qualities of an effective resume.
"Staying Motivated Through Your Job Search"by Terrie O’Connell
It's hard to stay focused as weeks of sending resumes stretch into months. Try these tips for keeping on track and mentally sound during your search.
"The Organized Job Search"by Janet Barclay
If you are hunting for employment, this article will help you organize the process -- your paperwork, information, contacts, schedule, and long-term plans.
"Tips For Organizing Your Resume"by Stacey Agin Murray
There is a science to developing an effective resume -- and good organizing skills are the key to creating a resume that knocks them dead!
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