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June 2002 - Take Control Of Household Paper
"I write down everything I want to remember. That way, instead of spending a lot of time trying to remember what it is I wrote down, I spend the time looking for the paper I wrote it down on."
- Beryl Pfizer
This Month's Featured Articles
"5 Minutes A Day"by Jessica Duquette
We put off dealing with paper because it seems too overwhelming -- but by spending just 5 minutes a day, we can avoid the huge pileups down the road!
"Conquering The Paper Monster"by Ana Popielnicki
All the personal paperwork we deal with can seem overwhelming -- but here are some fool-proof tips for slaying that dragon living in your home office.
"Finding The Time To Scrap"by Brandie Valenzuela
How long has that pile of pictures and keepsakes been waiting to go in a scrapbook? Here are some tips for finding time to create that keepsake album.
"How Long Do I Keep It?"by Ramona Creel
A large part of paper management is knowing how long you have to keep things -- and when you can pitch them without fear of legal consequences later on.
"Monthly Financial Checklist"by Susan Miller
Taking care of monthly financial obligations can seem like a tremendous burden -- but paying bills and balancing accounts is a snap, with the right system.
"Paper, Paper, Paper"by Ann Gambrell
School kids generate a lot of paper -- homework, artwork, sports schedules, permission slips - here are a few ideas for taming your child's paper monster.
"Protecting Your Important Documents"by Ramona Creel
Paper management is more than throwing paper away -- it's also making sure that important stuff is protected and easily accessible in case of emergency.
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