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September 2001 - Learning To Set Boundaries
"Judge your success by what you had to give up to get it."
- Nepalese Good Luck Mantra
This Month's Featured Articles
"7 Ways To Stop Procrastinating"by Julie Jordan Scott
Procrastination is a clear sign that you either haven't committed to your true priorities -- or you have committed to do something you don't really want to do!
"A Powerful New Way To Ask Why"by Michael Pollock
"Why don't my kids listen to me?" "Why can't I seem to get it all done?" "Why am I always broke?" Transform "why" questions into a solution to a problem.
"Hurry"by Tom Walsh
How many mistakes are caused each day because we are in a rush? When will we learn to set boundaries and leave some free space in our schedules?
"Interruptions, Interruptions"by Donald Wetmore
How well do you "head off" unnecessary interruptions? Learn to recognize interruptions that can be eliminated from your day and take steps to avoid them.
"Setting Boundaries In Relationships"by Rinatta Paries
As you set healthy limits in your life, take a look at your relationships -- what negative behaviors are you tired of tolerating from other people?
"Teaching People How To Use Your Time"by Ramona Creel
If you want people to respect your schedule, you have to teach them how to do it -- by setting ground rules about how you will and will not use your time.
"Work Vs. Family"by Mureall Hebert
Our society has a hard time drawing the line between professional and personal life -- this article offers some practical suggestions for balancing the two.
"Your Personal Policies And Procedures"by Ramona Creel
Businesses set up concrete policies and procedures about how they will operate on a daily basis -- why should your personal life be any different?
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