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September 2002 - Take Control Of Your Office Paper
"Drive thy business or it will drive thee."
- Ben Franklin
This Month's Featured Articles
"A Search Engine For Office Files"by Betsy Wilkowsky
Do you ever wish that you could type a few words into your computer and find the file you are looking for? Now you can -- with a simple software program.
"Filing 101 For Smarties"by Diane Hatcher
Filing doesn't have to be a chore -- not if you have the most effective techniques, the proper tools, and the right information about how to handle your paperwork.
"Secrets Of Successful Office Organizing"by Sue Shipman
Office organizing isn't an overnight process -- but you can wade through all the piles of paper and make sense of the chaos by following this simple strategy.
"Tame Your Paper Pile-Up"by Kathy Paauw
If you are plagued by overwhelming, perplexing stacks of work-related paper, here is a comprehensive paper management solution that should work for you.
"Technology Is Not A Quick Fix"by Jan Jasper
Technology offers some great tools for storing information -- but unless you follow a few guidelines, it can cause even more stress than the paper.
"Tickler And Chron Files"by Chuck and Sue DeFiore
In addition to the filing that you set up for reference items, there are two very specific specific systems for staying on top of to-dos and follow-ups.
"When You Travel: Tame Your Pile-Up Part II"by Kathy Paauw
Part two of this series discusses how to stay on top of your paper as you travel for work -- managing to-do's, dealing with reference items, and handling filing.
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