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January 2005 - Asking For Some Outside Help
"A team effort is a lot of people doing what I say."
- Michael Winner
This Month's Featured Articles
"A Cyber Staffing Solution For Small Businesses"by Christina Morfeld
Many small businesses can't afford a permanent employee, even on a part-time basis -- but a Virtual Assistant can be just the staffing answer you are looking for.
"Are You At The Mercy Of Computer Geeks?"by Melanie Mendelson
Many business owners are out of the loop when it comes to the technology running their business -- and are dangerously dependent on their tech support.
"Death Of A Partnership"by Marnie Pehrson
What kills more business partnerships than any other factor? No matter how great the concept, it's all useless if the key players can't communicate with each other.
"Even Successful People Need A Business Coach"by Kerri Salls
All business owners need a sounding board, but you need the right person for that role. Here are some strong reasons for hiring your own business coach.
"Moving Out"by George Schildge
There is a clear growing trend for companies, regardless of size and industry, to outsource an element of their business. Why does this trend continue to grow?
"Outsourcing...Can Your Business Benefit?"by Scott Sedwick
Outsourcing can sometimes be a very cost-effective business decision. Here are some tips for making a smart choice for completing your next business project.
"Should You Incorporate Without A Lawyer?"by Stephen Pope
You could save hundreds of dollars by incorporating yourself without a lawyer. How do you go about doing it? And is it advisable to incorporate without help?
"Should You Write Your Own Business Plan?"by Jan King
Creating a business plan is a hurdle that entrepreneurs seem to dread. Do you do it yourself? Do you hire someone to do it? How do you get it done affordably?
"Who Needs An Accountant When I Have A Computer?"by Heena Abbas
Small business owners question the need for an accountant when they have a computer. Find out what an accountant can do for you that your computer can't!
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