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November 2002 - Growing Your Business
"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience."
- Henry Miller
This Month's Featured Articles
"A Willingness To Take Calculated Risks"by Rose Smith
If you ever hope to take your business to the next level, you must be willing to put a few things on the line -- but you can make a risk less risky with some upfront info.
"Hire Your Intuition"by Lynn Robinson
Business success depends on following your instincts -- something we've lost touch with. Learn how to trust that inner voice again, and it won’t do you wrong.
"How To Kill Your Business In 2 Easy Steps"by Monty Sharp
No matter the size of your company, the dual dangers of "systems meltdown" and "lack of leadership" will get in the way of your business growth if you aren’t careful.
"Love: The Killer App"by Kathy Paauw
When we think of business growth, we often think of dollars and marketing -- but one of the most effective strategies out there is to build a business based on generosity.
"Planning For Responsible Growth"an interview with Lesley High
If you are trying to grow your business, take a few lessons from business consultant Lesley High -- on how to deal with the "growing pains" of business expansion.
"Stretching That Comfort Zone"by Teri Mitchell
Being comfortable with where you are will never grow your business. Expansion is all about challenging yourself -- stretching beyond what you thought was possible.
"The 3 Ways To Grow Your Business"by Tim Cohn
There are 3 ways to build your company -- and you must focus on all of them in order to create balance, sustainable growth that will last over the long-term.
"The 7 Deadly Marketing Sins"by Alvin Apple
Steady marketing is the basis behind sustainable business growth -- but it's easy to fall into destructive patterns that render your efforts ineffective. Here are 7 to avoid.
"Tips To Grow Your Business"by Paulette Ensign
Would you like to expand your business by developing products -- but don’t know where to begin. How about sharing your expertise in the form of a tips booklet?
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