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November 2005 - Professional Development
"The difference between a professional person and a technician is that a technician knows everything about his job except its ultimate purpose and his place in the scheme of things."
- Richard Livingston
This Month's Featured Articles
"7 Reasons To Pursue An Online Degree"by Rick Hendershot
There is no better way to further your career than by taking college courses to refine and expand your skills -- and now you can do it online!
"Being A Life-Long Student"by Nick Smith
This article highlights some of the benefits of continuing your education and a few of the venues available to you to continue learning about your chosen profession.
"How To Learn More Effectively"by Royane Real
Whether you are studying for a certification exam or absorbing industry information, here are some tips for reviewing new material in order to remember it successfully.
"I Want To Use My Computer But Where Do I Start?"by Beth Sunny
So you want to learn to use a computer but where do you begin? There are so many things to learn and so many different ways to learn it is often hard to know where to begin.
"Is It Really A Business Coach You're After?"by Susan Dunn
If you’re tempted to contract with a “business coach”, think again. The terms in coaching are still being formulated in this new field and these titles can be misleading.
"Mentoring Tips"by Neen James
Mentors can have a significant impact on you personally and can escalate your career. The selection of a good mentor requires good research before you decide.
"Seminars: Advantanges And Disadvantages"by Vishal Rao
Seminars dealing with "special topics" have actually been around for decades, but have seen quite a resurgence of interest in the past ten years.
"Success With Distance Learning"by Rose M.
Distance learning has opened doors for many students, especially for those who cannot afford to pay the high fees or commit the time to full-time courses.
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