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February 2006 - Dealing With The Telephone
"I have always wished for a computer that would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish came true. I no longer know how to use my telephone."
- Bjarne Stronstrup
This Month's Featured Articles
"Cell Phone As Your Primary Line"by Syd Johnson
If you spend a lot of time out and about, or are constantly have business phone calls forwarded to your cell phone, you can make your cell phone your primary phone line.
"Cell Phone Etiquette"by Syd Johnson
In today's world of mobile communications, it's more important than ever that you are careful about your cell phone usage and adhere to certain common courtesies.
"Choosing The Right Phone System"by Jason Morris
Before investing in any type of phone system or voice mail system, it is better and cheaper to plan and allow for expansion at an early stage, than wait until it is too late.
"Effective Meetings by Phone"by Steve Kaye
A teleconference brings special challenges because people attend them in the privacy of their office without being able to see or be seen by the other participants.
"Internet Telephones -- Too Good To Be True?"by Bronson Tang
Do internet telephones sound too good to be true? Well that's what I was thinking, so I decided to research Internet telephony to hear what all the noise was about.
"Telephone Tips, Techniques, And Etiquette"by Patricia Weber
When using the telephone for business, using this communication tool effectively means being timely, communicating clearly and having the other person’s interest in mind.
"Voice Mail That Sells"by Kelley Robertson
I’m usually away from my desk or out of the office when people call -- here are a few of the common mistakes I notice in the messages left and how you can correct them.
"What Is Internet Telephony And How Does It Work"by Jason Morris
The way we make phone calls is changing. Many service providers are already using a technology called VoIP to provide callers with a way to make calls over the internet.
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