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February 2008 - Does Your Marketing Have A Plan?
"It's not the plan that is important, it's the planning."
- Graeme Edwards
This Month's Featured Articles
"10 Ways To Get Your Marketing Unstuck"by C. J. Hayden
Have you ever found yourself knowing exactly what you need to do about marketing your business... and then not doing it? Many entrepreneurs find that the hardest part of marketing isn't figuring out what to do. What's hard is actually doing it.
"30-Minute Marketing"by Sara Pedersen
Marketing your small business takes tons of time, years of experience, and lots of money, right? WRONG! Anyone can learn effective marketing techniques that are simple, inexpensive, and best of all, quick!
"Aim To Over-Fill Your Client Pipeline"by Fabienne Frederickson
Too many people ride the ‘feast or famine’ rollercoaster of clients, especially successful entrepreneurs. Some months they have almost too many clients and are way too busy, and other months, they’re feeling the pinch.
"Build A Brand Identity -- 5 Key Elements"by Jed Jones
Often small or midsize companies who create a new product or service tend to go straight to market while skipping the all-important activity of designing a brand identity. This is a huge mistake and one that can be easily avoided.
"Create Your Personal Marketing Plan With The Know-Like-Trust Principle"by Jean Wilson Murray
When you have a professional practice, YOU are the practice. People associate the practice with you, and they come in to the practice because of you. You need to think about how you will market yourself to attract people to your practice.
"How Do You Differentiate Yourself From Your Competitors?"by Terry Hill
Competition is a natural and integral part of doing business. How successful you become at competing depends on how you position your business relative to your competitors.
"Marketing Along The Path Of Least Resistance"by C. J. Hayden
The most successful marketers make it look easy because they have found a way to market themselves that is effortless. Perhaps you have tried to copy what those successful people were doing, and it didn't work for you. Here's why.
"Six Steps to Marketing Success for the Service Business"by Margaret Lukens
You may have heard that if you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. Maybe that works for mousetrap sales, but service businesses need to market themselves to gain clients, grow, and thrive.
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