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June 2004 - Advertising Do's And Don'ts
"We read advertisements to discover and enlarge our desires. We are always ready -- even eager -- to discover, from the announcement of a new product, what we have all along wanted without really knowing it."
- Daniel Boorstin
This Month's Featured Articles
"3 Tips To Reduce Your Advertising Expenses"by Will Dylan
Advertising doesn't have to be expensive -- not if you know a few tricks for cutting your costs without reducing the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.
"3 Ways To Get More Sales When You Advertise"by Bob Leduc
If your advertising efforts aren't bringing in the results you expected, maybe you need to tweak your approach to make sure you are really connecting with your customers.
"Advertising Costs Getting Too High?"by Diane Hughes
This article outlines the steps you need to take to set up a "piggyback" relationship with a competitor -- to share advertising costs and expand your message's reach.
"Marketing 101"an interview with Wendy McClelland
If you are drowning in a sea of advertising options, take a few lessons from marketing Guru Wendy McClelland about when to advertise and how to do it right.
"Some Advertising Is Doomed To Fail"by Diane Hughes
There are four key elements that must come together for any advertisement (or other promotional campaign) to be successful -- do your marketing efforts measure up?
"Understanding The Basics Of Advertising"by Craig Valine
All the money in the world won't buy an effective advertising campaign until you can target the right audience and get your message across in a way that grabs them.
"What Advertising Can And Can't Do For You"by Karen Hipp
The first key to turning advertising into a tool for your business is understanding its power and its limitations -- and comparing those to your company's needs.
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