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August 2002 - Using Your Voice
Communication is depositing a part of yourself in another person."
- Unknown
This Month's Featured Articles
"Conquering The Jitters"by Patricia Fripp
Stage fright can seem as real a threat as a charging bull or an oncoming train -- until you learn the right techniques for overcoming your fear of public speaking.
"Creating Outstanding Training"by Jim Allen
In public speaking, training can be particularly challenging. Learn how to develop training that educates your audience while keeping them interested in the topic.
"Expressing Yourself"an interview with Paige Kolb
If you are trying to develop your speaking skills, take a few lessons from speaker Paige Kolb -- as she shows you how to get your message across to audience.
"How To Become A Talk Show Guest"by Kevin Smith
If you think that only people like Julie Morgenstern can be talk show guests, think again! Learn to sell your expertise to radio and television shows.
"Increase Business By Sharing What You Know"by Jim Donovan
Public speaking is a great way to increase your client base and earn extra income. Find out how turn your expertise into an additional source of revenue.
"Speak With E's"by Sandra Schrift
Public speaking carries a responsibility -- a position of influence over the audience. Follow these simple principles to give your talks positive motivating energy.
"Ten Things To Include In Your Speech"by Debra Koontz Traverso
Want to be a speaker, but not sure how to create a memorable talk? Try these tips for building a speech that will entertain, inform, and keep them coming back.
"You Can't Sell If You Can't Sell Yourself"by Marjorie Brody
Good verbal communications are necessary for all business people -- whether you do speak publicly -- and how well you present yourself can make or break a sale.
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