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August 2004 - Selling Yourself As An Expert
"The best augury of a man's success in his profession is that he thinks it the finest in the world."
- George Eliot
This Month's Featured Articles
"5 Powerful Article Writing Tips"by Terri Seymour
Writing an article not only demonstrates your expert knowledge, it also attracts potential customers (and other possible marketing opportunities!)
"A Short Guide To Effective Public Speaking"by Stephen Boyd
Public speaking is one of the best ways to illustrate your status as an expert in your field -- sharing valuable information in an entertaining and educational way.
"Free Market Research From Big-Name Companies"by Jennifer Tribe
Sometimes you need larger research than you can afford to support your expertise -- but there are ways to get the statistics that you need without spending a fortune.
"How Becoming An Expert Can Boost Your Success"by Vishal Rao
This article offers an overview of some methods you can use to share your expertise -- and at the same time, enhance your client base and your increase your income.
"How To Get Slightly Famous In Print"by Steve Van Yoder
Putting your expertise on paper -- and being seen by potential clients and business partners -- is a wonderful way to build credibility and promote your company.
"Release Release"by Meredith Pond
Everyone talks about submitting a press release to get attention for your business -- but how do you make sure the information you send gets the results you want?
"Should You Write A Book?"by Steve Van Yoder
If you think that you might make a good author of an informational book, the tips in this article will help motivate you to tackle that upcoming literary masterpiece.
"Tooting Your Own Horn"by C. J. Hayden
Don't be embarrassed to share your accomplishments with colleagues and clients. Here are some tips for turning your expertise into a marketing tool.
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