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September 2005 - Expanding Your Offerings
"The need of expansion is as genuine an instinct in man as the need in a plant for the light, or the need in man himself for going upright."
- Matthew Arnold
This Month's Featured Articles
"Failing Forward Successfully"by Debbie Allen
If you haven’t made any mistakes for a while, you may be playing it too close to your comfort zone and not stretching yourself to achieve high level goals.
"From Concept To Website"by Lois S.
You’ve decided to get on the web to market your products or services. But without web development skills or knowledge, how do you build and market a website?
"He Who Dies With The Most Niches Wins"by Roy Primm
Many people think that "niche" is a bad word -- a way of limiting your business. But creating many successful niches can expand your current product and service lines.
"New Product Development -– The Fuzzy Front End"by Bob Cannon
New products are thought by many to be the key to business growth and profitability. What you need is a systematic approach to new product development.
"Revitalizing Your Sales"by Arnold Adriaanse
For most companies, achieving predictable sales results is an obvious and crucial part of business growth. But this may be a challenge after an economic downturn.
"Structure Your Payment Offers To Sell More"by Julia Tang
The way you structure your payment offers can -- try before you buy, pay later, make payments, rebates, etc. -- can do a tremendous amount to increase your sales.
"Take Your Firm To The Next Level"by Kelly O`Brien
You’re swamped with business, your firm is large and growing, everything is running smoothly -- now is the time to consider taking your firm to the next level.
"Turning Your Services Into A Product"by C. J. Hayden
One challenge in selling professional services is that they are intangible -- but it's easier than you think to turn your expertise into a "product" for customers!
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