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September 2007 - Finding The Right Customers
"Always think of your customers as suppliers first. Work closely with them, so they can supply you with the information you need to supply them with the right products and services."
- Susan Marthaller
This Month's Featured Articles
"5 Steps To Grow Your Database"by Sara Pedersen
Your database is your gold mine. When you have contact information, you can easily and inexpensively reach your target market on a regular basis.
"5 Steps To Ideal Client Relationships"by Donna Toothaker
I am fortunate to have truly terrific clients They are great to work with -- however, it wasn’t always like this, until I began to empower myself to find ideal clients.
"Does Cold Calling Still Work?"by Tino Buntic
Cold calling is hard to do. People hate to make cold calls and people hate being on the receiving end of them as well. But is it really the way to prospect new clients anymore?
"Effective Lead Generation"by Julie Chance
Effective lead generation requires that we communicate with many prospective clients at one time. Before we can communicate with them we must first get their attention.
"Prospecting From Your Trash Can"by Al Uszynski
Before you throw out those old leads, consider that today's trash could be tomorrow's sale. A customer is never lost -- it's all in how you handle them!
"Recognizing A Loyal Customer From Their Handwriting"by Kathi McKnight
What if you could get to know your customer in the first 2 minutes? Handwriting can show things about a person that might otherwise take months, even years to discover!
"What's Their Problem?"by Neroli Lacey
How do you begin a dialogue with a prospect -- be it in person, on your website, or in print? You focus on the customer and talk about your client’s business problem.
"Where Do You Find Your Clients?"by C.J. Hayden
When independent professionals meet a successful person in their field, they ask, "Where do you find your clients?" It seems that where the clients are is a bit of a mystery.
"Who Are Your Ideal Clients? And What Do They Want?"by Rose Hill
Clients come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. Before you decide what your services are, you must decide who your clients are.
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