"L" and "U" shaped desks offer the most EFFICIENT work spaces -- giving you plenty of room to maneuver on all sides of you.
Place everything you need regularly within arm's REACH of your desk -- no bending, stretching, or hiking across the room to get at equipment and supplies.
Don’t waste your space hoarding SUPPLIES at your desk -- only keep what you need nearby and put the rest in a storage closet.
Sort your incoming paper DAILY -- and try to decide what you need to do with each piece of paper the first time you touch it.
As you sort paper, divide TO-DO'S into folders according to what you have to do to them -- "to read," "to pay," "to file," etc.
Create a FILING system with broad categories ("insurance") divided into logical subcategories ("auto," "life," "health") and alphabetized within each category.
Even if you are not responsible for family RECORD-KEEPING, know where all of the important household paperwork is kept.
Avoid multiple CALENDARS -- you’re less likely to forget a meeting if you record your business and personal appointments in one place.