THE WHY AND HOW -- talks about the many emotional, sociological, and financial reasons why we accumulate clutter...and explains why it is so difficult to let go of our clutter, even when it is negatively affecting our lives

THE COST OF CLUTTER -- examines the many costs of expense, mental and physical energy, time spent on maintenance, and wasted (and expensive) space that is taken up in our lives by things we no longer use or need

COLLECTION CLUTTER -- discusses the clutter-accumulating tendencies that accompany collections and techniques for becoming more ways of preserving, displaying, and protecting your collections without letting your collection take over your home

STORAGE SPACE -- talks about the misuse of storage space that we perpetrate when our lives are cluttered, including a look at how much living space we are unable to use in our homes because of clutter

STORAGE RENTAL -- examines the phenomenon of public storage units, and asks why we spend good money to store things we never use

GOALS FOR CLUTTER -- works to help you define some solid goals for clearing out your clutter, including techniques for determining what has value, suggestions for getting rid of your "discards," and what to do with the "I don't know" pile

DONATIONS -- offers some suggestions of the types of items you may donate, where to take them, and how to adequately document your donations for tax purposes

CONSIGNMENT RESOURCES -- provides tips for finding the right consignment stores for your more valuable discards, an overview of the consignment process, and suggestions for getting the most return out of your consigned treasures

GARAGE SALES -- leads you through the process of planning a garage sale, including preparing your items to be sold, pricing, advertising, set-up, managing the crowds, negotiating, and getting rid of anything that is left at the end of the day

STORAGE IDEAS -- discusses storage options, techniques, and potential hazards for various areas throughout your house, including closets, kids' rooms, the kitchen, and your home office

GARAGE STORAGE -- offers creative suggestions that will allow you to keep your gardening equipment, tools, sporting goods, and and car care supplies stored neatly in the garage while still leaving room for your car

ORGANIZING AND STORAGE EQUIPMENT -- leads you through the maze of containers, racks, bins, and other storage paraphernalia available to you and discusses the most appropriate (and some of the more creative) uses for each

CONTROLLING CLUTTER -- talks about techniques, tricks, and subtle behavior changes that can help keep the clutter from accumulating again in your life,including ways to keep junk from coming in the front door in the first place and methods for staying on top of your storage spaces throughout the year